Thursday, 31 October 2013

Confirmed: Girl smuggled into UK to have her organs harvested for wealthy recipients

There's a new kind of human trafficking taking place, and it has nothing to do with the Triangle Trade and slavery during the Colonial Era of American History. But it is every bit as sinister.

Authorities in Great Britain have confirmed for the first time that a young girl was smuggled into the country specifically so her organs could be harvested and sold to wealthy recipients.

As reported by The Telegraph:

The unnamed girl was brought to the UK from Somalia with the intention of removing her organs and selling them on to those desperate for a transplant.

Child protection charities warned that the case was unlikely to be an isolated incident as traffickers were likely to have smuggled a group of children into the country.

Trafficking is increasing

The horrific case came to light via a government report that showed the number of human trafficking victims in the United Kingdom has risen more than 50 percent from last year, and has now reached record levels.

In all, 371 children were exploited in various ways, with the majority being used as slaves - for sex and otherwise.

The government's report said 95 children came from Vietnam, 67 from Nigeria and 25 from China. More children were smuggled in from Romania and Bangladesh, among other countries.

"The figures also detail how 20 British girls have been victims of human trafficking," the paper said. "It comes after a series of court cases in which British girls were raped and exploited by gangs of Asian men."

British child protection charities have warned that criminal gangs are trying to exploit the demand for organ transplants in the country.

"Traffickers are exploiting the demand for organs and the vulnerability of children. It's unlikely that a trafficker is going to take this risk and bring just one child into the UK. It is likely there was a group," said Bharti Patel, chief executive of ECPAT UK, a child protection charity.

The World Health Organization says up to 7,000 kidneys are obtained illicitly every year all around the world by traffickers.

And while a black market exists for other organs - hearts, lungs, livers - kidneys are the most sought-after, because one can be removed from a patient without them suffering many ill effects (unless, of course, later in life their one remaining kidney should become injured or fail).

Here's how it works, as reported by The Telegraph:

The process involves a number of people including the recruiter who identifies the victim, the person who arranges their transport, the medical professionals who perform the operation and the salesman who trades the organ.

All of which would require infrastructure - and lots of money.

Britain to stiffen penalties for slave traders and organ traffickers

The government's report also notes a rise in the number of adults trafficked to the UK; the number of women rose by 12 percent to 786 and the number of men by almost one-third to around 400. The latter figure includes growing numbers of British men who are being exploited for "paving or ground works" in the UK or abroad.

Details about the scope of the human trafficking phenomenon in Britain were published as the government in London announced plans to maximize prison sentences for modern-day slave traders.

"Under the proposals, offenders who already have a conviction for a serious sexual or violent offence will receive an automatic life sentence. The current maximum custodial sentence for trafficking is 14 years," the Telegraph reported.

Says James Brokenshire, crime and security minister: "Modern slavery is an appalling evil in our midst."

He added: "All this is a good start, but we need everyone to play a part - government, law enforcement, business, charities - if we are to consign slavery to the history books where it belongs."

Cancer in cats and dogs

Cancer isn't just a devastating diagnosis in people - in fact, more than half of pets will get it during their lifetime.

Fortunately, there are vets who specialize in cancer treatment in pets.

"If you get it in time, I think they have a good chance of surviving," says Betty Conway.

Conway saw a bump on her 5-year-old yellow lab's lip, so she took Lucy to the vet to have her checked out. "I thought it was a tick, so I took her to the vet, and that's where they found out it was a tumor."

Luckily, it was a tumor that could be treated and removed.  Dr. Kerry Rissetto, a vet oncologist, says pet owners should be aware that cancer is the number one disease-related killer in cats and dogs - especially those over the age of 7.

"Now we are being proactive with our pets just like if we find a lump or bump on us or children we would bring them to the doctor," said Dr. Rissetto.

Dr. Rissetto says skin tumors and tumors of the lymph nodes are the most common tumors she treats. "The biggest thing that I see is lumps that are ignored, and most are benign, but then once and a while you will get one that's malignant."

Dr. Rissetto says being proactive is key. "The earlier you diagnose it, treat it, remove it, the better your chances your animal has of being cured even if it is cancer you can cure it with surgery."

In Lucy's case, she has a good outlook and will begin chemo to prevent the cancer from spreading to other areas of her body.

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

131 Ways for an infant to Die: Vaccines and sudden death

There are 130 official ways for an infant to die. These official categories of death, sanctioned by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO), are published in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD).[1-3] When a baby dies, coroners must choose from among these 130 categories.

The official causes of death listed in the ICD include nearly every imaginable -- and tragic -- possibility. However, there is NO category for infant deaths caused by vaccines.[4] This is odd because the federal government is aware that vaccines permanently disable and kill some babies -- the very reason Congress established a "death and disability" tax on childhood vaccines more than 25 years ago when the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (Public Law 99-660) created the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP).

Many parents don't realize that when they purchase vaccines for their babies, the cost is taxed and the money goes into a special fund to compensate them if and when those vaccines seriously injure or kill their babies. As of November 1, 2013, more than $2.5 billion was granted for thousands of injuries and deaths caused by vaccines. Numerous cases are still pending. Awards were issued for permanent injuries such as learning disabilities, seizure disorders, mental retardation, paralysis, and numerous deaths, including many that were initially misclassified as sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).[5]

Since vaccine-related deaths are officially recognized by the federal government but there is NO official classification for vaccine-related deaths in the ICD, two important questions must be asked:

1) Are some deaths that are listed within the 130 infant mortality death categories really deaths that are associated with vaccination?

2) Are some vaccine-related deaths hidden within the death tables?

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

Prior to the introduction of organized vaccination programs, 'crib death' was so rare that it was not mentioned in infant mortality statistics. In the United States, national immunization campaigns were initiated in the 1960s when several new vaccines were introduced and promoted. For the first time in history, most U.S. infants were required to receive several doses of DPT (diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus), polio, and measles vaccines.[6] By 1969, an alarming epidemic of sudden unexplained infant deaths impelled researchers to create a new medical term -- sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).[7] By 1972, SIDS had become the leading cause of post-neonatal mortality (deaths of infants from 28 days to one year old) in the United States.[8] In 1973, the National Center for Health Statistics, operated by the CDC, created a new cause-of-death category to document deaths due to SIDS.[9,10]

SIDS is defined as the sudden and unexpected death of an infant which remains unexplained after a thorough investigation, including performance of an autopsy and review of the clinical history.[11] Although there are no specific symptoms associated with SIDS, an autopsy often reveals congestion and edema of the lungs and inflammatory changes in the respiratory system.[9,12]

In 1984, Congress held a hearing on vaccine safety. The suspected link between vaccines and sudden infant deaths was addressed. The following excerpt is from a statement made by a distraught grandmother testifying before the Congressional Committee on Labor and Human Resources:

"My name is Donna Gary. I am a constituent of Senator Kennedy's from Massachusetts. Our family should have celebrated our very first granddaughter's first birthday last month. Instead, we will commemorate the anniversary of her death at the end of this month.

"Our granddaughter, Lee Ann, was just 8 weeks old when her mother took her to the doctor for her routine checkup. That included, of course, her first DPT inoculation and oral polio vaccine. In all her entire 8 weeks of life this lovable, extremely alert baby had never produced such a blood-curdling scream as she did at the moment the shot was given. Neither had her mother ever before seen her back arch as it did while she screamed. She was inconsolable. Even her daddy could not understand Lee Ann's uncharacteristic screaming and crying.

"Four hours later, Lee Ann was dead. 'Crib death,' the doctor said -- 'SIDS.'

'Could it be connected to the shot?' her parents implored.


'But she just had her first DPT shot this afternoon. Could there possibly be any connection to it?'

'No, no connection at all,' the emergency room doctor said definitely.

"My husband and I hurried to the hospital the following morning after Lee Ann's death to talk with the pathologist before the autopsy. We wanted to make sure he was alerted to her DPT inoculation such a short time before her death -- just in case there was something else he could look for to make the connection. He was unavailable to talk with us. We waited two-and-a-half hours. Finally, we got to talk to another doctor after the autopsy had been completed. He said it was SIDS.

"In the months before Lee Ann was born, I regularly checked with a friend as to the state of her grandchild's condition. He is nearly a year-and-a-half older than Lee Ann. On his first DPT shot he passed out cold for 15 minutes, right in the pediatrician's office.

"'Normal reaction for some children,' the pediatrician reassured. The parents were scared, but they knew what a fine doctor they had. They trusted his judgment. When it was time for the second shot, they asked 'Are you sure it's alright? Is it really necessary?' Their pediatrician again reassured them. He told them how awful it was to experience, as he had, one of his infant patient's bout with whooping cough. That baby had died. They gave him his second DPT shot that day. He became brain-damaged.

"This past week I had an opportunity to read through printed copies of the hearings of this committee. I am dismayed to learn that this same talk has been going on for years, and nothing has seemed to progress to incorporate what seems so obvious and necessary to keep from destroying any more babies, and to compensate financially those who have already been damaged for life. How accurate are our statistics on adverse reactions to vaccines when parents have been told, are still being told, 'No connection to the shot, no connection at all.'?

"What about the mother I have recently talked with who has a 4-year-old brain-damaged son? On all three of his DPT shots he had a convulsion in the presence of the pediatrician. 'No connection,' the pediatrician assured.

"I talked with a father in a town adjoining ours whose son died at the age of 9 weeks, several months before our own granddaughter's death. It was the day after his DPT inoculation. 'SIDS' is the statement on the death certificate.

"Are the statistics that the medical world loves to quote to say, 'There is no connection,' really accurate, or are they based on poor diagnoses, poor record keeping? What is being done to provide a safer vaccine? Who is overseeing? Will it be the same scientists and doctors who have been overseeing in the past? How much longer does the public have to wait? How are physicians and clinics going to be held accountable to see that parents are informed of the possible reactions? And how are those children who should not receive the vaccine to be identified before they are damaged -- or dead?

"Today is the National Day of Prayer. My prayer is that this committee be instrumental in doing what needs to be done -- and soon. May there not be yet another year pass by with more children afflicted, and some dead, because those who can do so refuse to make the right connection."[13]

Back to Sleep

Throughout the 1980s, sudden infant deaths continued to skyrocket. Parental concerns about an apparent link between childhood vaccines and SIDS reached a fever pitch. Many parents were afraid to vaccinate their babies. Authorities sought to reassure parents that vaccines are safe and claimed that sudden unexplained infant deaths following vaccines were merely coincidental.

In 1992, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) came up with a plan to reduce the unacceptable SIDS rate while reassuring concerned moms and dads that sudden unexplained infant deaths were not related to vaccines. The AAP initiated a national 'Back to Sleep' campaign, telling parents to place their infants supine, rather than prone, during sleep.

From 1992 through 2001, the post-neonatal SIDS rate dropped by an average annual rate of 8.6%. It seemed as though the 'Back to Sleep' campaign was successful and that the real cause of SIDS was due not to vaccinations but from babies sleeping on their bellies. However, a closer inspection of the ICD -- the 130 official ways for an infant to die -- revealed a loophole. Medical certifiers, such as coroners, could choose from among several categories of death when a baby suddenly expired. They didn't have to list the death as SIDS. Although the post-neonatal SIDS rate dropped by an average annual rate of 8.6% from 1992 through 2001 following the AAP's seemingly successful 'Back to Sleep' campaign, the post-neonatal mortality rate from 'suffocation in bed' (ICD-9 code E913.0) increased during this same period at an average annual rate of 11.2%. Sudden, unexplained infant deaths that were classified as SIDS prior to the 'Back to Sleep' campaign, were now being classified as deaths due to suffocation in bed!
The post-neonatal mortality rate from 'suffocation other' (ICD-9 code E913.1-E913.9), from 'unknown and unspecified causes' (ICD-9 code 799.9), and from 'intent unknown' (ICD-9 code E980-E989), all increased during this period as well.[10] In Australia, a similar subterfuge seemed to occur. Researchers observed that when the SIDS rate decreased, deaths attributed to asphyxia increased.[14-16]

From 1999 through 2001, the number of U.S. deaths that were attributed to 'suffocation in bed' and 'unknown causes' increased significantly. Although the post-neonatal SIDS rate continued to decline, there was no significant change in the total post-neonatal mortality rate. In a recent paper (Malloy and MacDorman) published in Pediatrics, SIDS researchers made the following observation:

"If death-certifier preference has shifted such that previously classified SIDS deaths are now classified as 'suffocation,' the inclusion of these suffocation deaths and unknown or unspecified deaths with SIDS deaths then accounts for about 90 percent of the decline in the SIDS rate observed between 1999 and 2001 and results in a non-significant decline in SIDS."[10]

Other Evidence Linking SIDS to Vaccines

Although some studies were unable to find positive correlations between SIDS and vaccines[17-19], there is other evidence that a subset of infants may be more susceptible to SIDS shortly after being vaccinated. For example, as early as 1933 the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) published a paper by Madsen documenting the sudden deaths of two infants soon after pertussis vaccination. The first child developed cyanosis and convulsions 30 minutes after vaccination and died suddenly a few minutes later. The second child developed cyanosis 2 hours after vaccination and then died suddenly.[20]

In 1946, Werne and Garrow published a paper in JAMA documenting the sudden deaths of identical twins 24 hours after pertussis vaccination. The babies had symptoms of shock throughout the night prior to their fatal reactions.[21]

In the 1960s and 1970s Aborigine infants began to mysteriously die at astonishing rates. In some regions of Australia, 1 of every 2 babies succumbed to an unexplained death -- a fatality rate of 50 percent! Kalokerinos solved the riddle when he realized that the deaths were occurring shortly after the babies were vaccinated. Health officials had recently initiated a mass vaccination campaign to 'protect' Aborigine babies; their deaths corresponded with the vaccination program. Kalokerinos realized that these babies were severely malnourished, including a vitamin C deficiency. Their undeveloped immune systems couldn't handle the additional stress of vaccination. Kalokerinos was able to save other babies from the same fate by administering small quantities of vitamin C (100mg per month of age) prior to their vaccines.[22]

In Japan, from 1970 through 1974, there were 37 documented sudden infant deaths following pertussis vaccinations, inciting parents and doctors to reject the shot. In 1975, Japanese authorities reacted to these events by raising the age of vaccination from three months to two years. As a result, the number of vaccine injury compensation claims that were paid out for sudden deaths following vaccination dropped from 37 cases during a 5-year period to just 3 cases during the next 6-and-a-half years (from 1975 through August of 1981). The sudden death rate following vaccination dropped from 1.47 to 0.15 deaths per million doses -- a 90% improvement.[23,24] In addition, from the early 1970s (a period when 3-month-old infants were vaccinated) to the mid-1980s (ten years after the age of vaccination was raised to 2 years) the Japanese infant mortality rate (infant deaths per 1,000 live births) dramatically declined from 12.4 to 5.0 -- a 60 percent drop![25]

According to a special task force (Cherry et al) that investigated the Japanese data and published their summary in Pediatrics:

"The category of 'sudden death' is instructive in that the entity disappeared following both whole-cell and acellular vaccines when immunization was delayed until a child was 24 months of age."[24]

Cherry et al also made the following observation:

"It is clear that delaying the initial vaccination until a child is 24 months, regardless of the type of vaccine, reduces most of the temporally associated severe adverse reactions."[24]

There is other more recent evidence that delaying vaccinations until a later age could save babies from severe vaccine-related adverse reactions, including sudden deaths. For example, Human and
Experimental Toxicology
published a study by Goldman and Miller that investigated more than 38,000 infant reports filed with the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). (This federally mandated vaccine safety surveillance program collects information about possible adverse reactions from vaccines.) Cases that listed either 'hospitalization' or 'death' were evaluated relative to all infant reports, including those that were non-serious. The hospitalization rate for infants that were vaccinated shortly after birth was an astonishing 20.1% but decreased in a statistically significant linear fashion to 10.7% for infants that were vaccinated just prior to their first birthday. This study also revealed a statistically significant lower mortality rate for infants that were vaccinated between 6 months and 1 year of age when compared to infants vaccinated between birth and 6 months of age.[26]

In 1982, William Torch, MD, director of Child Neurology, Department of Pediatrics, University of Nevada School of Medicine, presented a study at the 34th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Pediatrics showing that two-thirds of babies who had died from SIDS had been vaccinated against DPT prior to death. Of these, 6.5% died within 12 hours of vaccination; 13% within 24 hours; 26% within 3 days; and 37%, 61%, and 70% within 1, 2, and 3 weeks, respectively. Torch also found that unvaccinated babies who died from SIDS did so most often in the fall or winter while vaccinated babies died most often at 2 and 4 months -- the same ages when initial doses of DPT were given to infants. He concluded that:

"DPT may be a generally unrecognized major cause of sudden infant and early childhood death, and that the risks of immunization may outweigh its potential benefits. A need for re-evaluation and possible modification of current vaccination procedures is indicated by this study."[27]

In 1983, Pediatric Infectious Diseases published a study by Baraff et al that analyzed 17 infants that had been vaccinated within 28 days prior to their sudden deaths, which were classified as SIDS. They calculated the expected frequency of SIDS deaths per day and compared that with the actual number of sudden deaths in each of the 28 days after vaccination. A statistically significant number of excess deaths happened in the first week following vaccination (6.75 sudden deaths were expected and 17 actually occurred) -- a 250% increase. The greatest number of excess deaths happened within 24 hours after vaccination (0.96 sudden deaths were expected and 6 actually occurred) -- a 625% increase over statistical expectations.[28]

In 1987, the American Journal of Public Health published a paper by Walker et al, once again confirming an apparent link between vaccination and sudden deaths. Babies died at a rate more than seven times greater than normal within 3 days after getting a DPT vaccination.[29]

In 1991, Scheibner and Karlsson presented strong evidence of an association between DPT injections and cot death (SIDS) at the Second National Immunisation Conference in Canberra, Australia. They were able to develop a sophisticated microprocessor that was placed under infants' mattresses to precisely measure their breathing patterns before and after vaccination. The microprocessor generated computer printouts in integrals of a weighted apnea (cessation of breathing) hypopnea (abnormally shallow breathing) density (WAHD). The data clearly revealed that pertussis vaccination caused an inordinate increase in episodes where breathing either nearly ceased or stopped completely.[30-32] These episodes continued for months following DPT vaccinations. The lead author of the paper concluded that "vaccination is the single most prevalent and most preventable cause of infant deaths."[31]

In 2006, Ottaviani et al published a paper in Virchows Archiv (European Journal of Pathology) documenting the case of a 3-month-old infant who died suddenly and unexpectedly shortly after being given six vaccines in a single injection. After dissecting the brainstem and examining the cardiac conduction system, authors of the study made the following observation: "This case offers a unique insight into the possible role of hexavalent vaccine in triggering a lethal outcome in a vulnerable baby." They also noted that "any case of sudden unexpected death infancy, especially soon after a vaccination, should always undergo a full necropsy study," otherwise a true association between vaccination and death may escape detection.[33]

That same year, another team of scientists (Zinka et al) published a paper in Vaccine documenting six cases of SIDS that occurred within 48 hours following the administration of a hexavalent vaccine. At postmortal examination, these cases showed "unusual findings in the brain" that appeared compatible with an association between hexavalent vaccination and sudden infant death syndrome.[34]

In 2011, Statistics in Medicine published a paper by Kuhnert et al that examined an association between multi-dose vaccinations and death. Authors of the paper demonstrated a 16-fold increase in sudden unexpected death after the fourth dose of a pentavalent shot (five different vaccines in one injection) or hexavalent shot (six different vaccines in one injection).[35]

Today, unsuspecting parents continue to experience the heartbreak of losing healthy children after vaccinations. Here is another unnecessary death labeled as SIDS, as reported by a distraught mother:

"Our beautiful 2-month-old daughter recently died. What was unusual was that earlier on the day that she died, I had taken her to the military base hospital for her two-month checkup. The doctor told me that she was just perfect. Then he said that she needed four shots. I replied, 'Four!'? She assured me that it was completely normal.

"That evening after feeding our daughter, we laid her down to sleep. We checked on her 45 minutes later and discovered that she was dead. I told the police, coroner, and investigators that I thought it was from the shots because she was perfectly fine that day and before the shots. But after three weeks we finally got an answer from the autopsy that it was SIDS. To this day, I believe that her death was caused by the shots. No one can convince me otherwise."[36]

More Vaccine Fatalities Hidden in the Death Tables

'SIDS,' 'suffocation in bed,' and death due to 'unknown and unspecified causes,' are just three of the 130 official cause-of-death categories that might be concealing fatalities that were really caused by vaccination. Several other ICD categories are possible candidates for incorrect infant death classifications: unspecified viral diseases, diseases of the blood, diseases of the nervous system, unspecified diseases of the respiratory system, and shaken baby syndrome. All of these official categories may be repositories of vaccine-related infant deaths reclassified as common fatalities.

For example, a vaccine against rotavirus-induced diarrhea (Rotarix) was licensed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2008. However, in a clinical study that evaluated the safety of this vaccine, vaccinated babies died at a significantly higher rate than non-vaccinated babies -- mainly due to a statistical increase in pneumonia fatalities.[37] (One biologically plausible explanation is that natural rotavirus infection might have a protective effect against respiratory infection.)[38] Although these deaths appear to be vaccine related, coroners are likely to misclassify them as pneumonia.

Some infant fatalities that occur shortly after vaccinations are incorrectly classified as shaken baby syndrome. Retinal and subdural bleeding can result from an adult that shook the baby or from vaccine damage. Expert testimony by medical practitioners has exonerated innocent parents of all charges against them.[39] This is just another example of how the true cause of death can be reclassified or hidden within the death tables.

The practice of reclassifying ICD data greatly concerns the CDC "because inaccurate or inconsistent cause-of-death determination and reporting hamper the ability to monitor national trends, ascertain risk factors, and design and evaluate programs to prevent these deaths."[40] Thus, medical certification practices need to be monitored to determine how often vaccine-related infant deaths are being reclassified as ordinary mortality in the ICD. More importantly, parents need to be warned that vaccine safety is grossly overestimated when vaccine-related deaths are not being accurately documented.

Vaccine Safety, Informed Consent and Human Rights

There are 130 official ways for an infant to die (as categorized in the ICD), and one unofficial way for an infant to die: following an adverse reaction to one or more vaccines. When vaccine-related deaths are hidden within the death tables, parents are denied the ability to ascertain honest vaccine risk-to-benefit ratios and true informed consent to vaccinations is not possible. When families are urged to vaccinate their children without access to accurate data on vaccine-related deaths, their human rights have been violated. Medical health authorities, pediatricians, and the vaccine industry then become criminal accomplices to each infant death caused by vaccines -- even when vaccines are not officially acknowledged as the cause of death. Finding ways to increase vaccine safety, providing families with true informed consent, and preserving human rights, must be the top priorities.

How To Turn Negative Emotions Into Your Greatest Advantage

In our relentless pursuit of happiness, it's easy to shove aside, make light of, or otherwise evade negative emotions. But the truth is that unpleasant feelings are not only inevitable, they can also play a key role in health and well-being.
A small study from Olin University published earlier this year showed that being comfortable experiencing and expressing mixed emotions was a predictor of improvements in well-being, while ignoring or evading negative feelings was not associated with boosts in well-being.
"We found that those participants who were making meaning out of their experiences with a mixture of happiness and sadness actually showed increases in their psychological well-being, compared to people who were just reporting sadness, just reporting happiness, or some other mixture of emotions," Jonathan Adler, Olin assistant professor of psychology and one of the study's authors, told HuffPost Live. "It seems that there is something to be gained for your mental health in taking both the good and the bad together."
When we allow our negative emotions to become a source of shame or guilt, we could inadvertently be making those feelings worse and missing out on their benefits. And paradoxically, negative emotions can be a powerful catalyst for positive experiences and realizations, if we respond to them well. Here are six negative emotions worth embracing. 

Anger can be fueled into creativity.  

Negative emotions sometimes stifle creativity, but science suggests that they can also be used to spark it. Recently, Ghent University researchers studied the habits of 100 creative professionals, having them rate their emotions at the beginning and end of each day. They found that those who stared the day with negative emotions but ended it with positive ones had the greatest creative output -- uniformly, the most productive days were those that began with some sort of negativity, meaning that they channeled their anger into their work 99U reported. In a separate experiment, the researchers found that negative emotions could help subjects focus longer while brainstorming.
"When you’re in a bad mood, it may be best to return to a particularly difficult problem or a project that has stalled out," Myths Of Creativity author David Burkus wrote on 99U. "Think of the negative emotion as fuel that you can burn on the path to creation. The negative emotions might just help you dig deeper into the problem and find a solution your happier self would never have uncovered."

Struggling with adversity can profoundly alter your perspective. 

The old cliche that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger might have some truth to it. Life's greatest challenges can be opportunities for significant personal growth and development. Many people say that life-threatening health scares became blessings in disguise that fundamentally altered their perspectives and highlighted what's really important in life.
"On reflection, I realized that my most valuable lessons arose from difficulties and setbacks I had to confront, and imperfections I had to accept," Dr. Norman E. Rosenthal, author of The Gift Of Adversity, wrote in a Huffington Post blog. "Paradoxically, these adversities yielded unexpected gifts."
Sometimes these unexpected gifts come in the form of a new career path or life direction. When 32-year-old Kris Carr was diagnosed with a rare and untreatable form of cancer, she didn't lose hope: Instead, she challenged her diagnosis and turned to holistic healthcare, eventually becoming a wellness expert and New York Times-bestselling author. Now, she spreads inspiration to thousands who are looking to live healthier lifestyles.

Working through shame can help you cultivate compassion. 

What did Daring Greatly author Brene Brown discover in more than a decade of researching shame and vulnerability? "Shame is deadly," she told Oprah. "And I think we are swimming in it deep."
Shame -- that painful feeling of humiliation or distress rooted in the belief that we're somehow deficient -- is what causes us to avoid connecting with others for fear that they'll see the flaws we are trying to hide. But the one upside of shame is that we can overcome it, building greater connections with others and becoming more compassionate towards ourselves and others.
"Shame depends on me buying into the belief that I'm alone," Brown says. "Shame cannot survive being spoken ... It cannot survive empathy."

Pessimism can make you more productive.
As a culture, we tend to prize looking on the bright side over seeing the glass half empty. But optimism untempered by some degree of negativity or pessimism isn't necessarily a productive attitude. As Wharton professor Adam Grant explains in a LinkedIn blog post, studies show that "defensive pessimists" -- those who tend to picture what could go wrong in any given situation -- perform just as well as "strategic optimists" in a variety of tasks.
“At first, I asked how these people were able to do so well despite their pessimism,” psychologist Julie Norem writes in The Positive Power of Negative Thinking. “Before long, I began to realize that they were doing so well because of their pessimism … negative thinking transformed anxiety into action.”
Ultimately, Grant notes, what most determines success is achieving the right balance between optimism and pessimism, and choosing preparation strategies that match your thinking styles.
"If you’re a defensive pessimist, when preparing for a performance that really matters, you might want to list your weaknesses instead of your strengths, and drink a glass of anxiety rather than a shot of confidence," Grant writes.

Envy can spur you to become better. 

From a young age, we're told to beware the green-eyed monster. Envy can trigger us to feel that who we are and what we have is in some way lacking. But the emotion (in its more benign form) can actually spur us to better ourselves, according to a recent Scientific American article.
"After you realize other people don’t necessarily have everything you think you want, the next logical step is to figure out what that really is. What is it you really envy? Your sister’s boyfriend, or a sense of belonging? Your cousin’s job, or a sense of accomplishment? Your uncle’s schedule, or a sense of adventure?," writes Lori Deschene, founder of Tiny Buddha, in blog post. "You can have everything you want in life if identify specifically what those things are, and accept they may look different for you than they do for someone else."

Source :

Ten Things To Do After A Steamy Sex Session

Are you aware that romance is at its peak after a fiery sex session? Do you know that you can improve your relationship and love life with your partner even better after a romantic sex session? Most of the couples turn to their respective sides and start to sleep as soon as they have a very good session in bed. It has been reported that on an average every seven to eight men or women out of ten sleep immediately after a good session in bed with their partner. But, it is ideal for the couple to make the best use of their time just after the sex session to fall in love once again. It is the best time to connect and to gel with your partner like never before and make it a point not to just doze off after a good session in bed. The following are some of the best ten tips that you and your partner can indulge in right after sex to extend your love relationship like anything.
1.    Take Some Food
If you plan to have a fiery session in bed, then you are well advised to keep something to munch at ready in your bedroom. You can both enjoy this food after a wild sex session. You are sure to be feeling tired after a fiery session and the best way to cool down and to relax is to share an apple or any of your favorite food by cuddling and feeding your partner. Sex is like a hefty work out and hence you are bound to burn a lot of calories during sex. Both of you would love to bite into an apple and feed each other after a sex session.
2.    Taking Pictures
One of the best ways to improve your relationship is to take self portraits of both of you together every time you have the best sex sessions in bed. You will surely be having very good glow on your face after a hefty sex session and would love to capture that glow on the camera. Make sure that you click photos of both of you together. Moreover, you can also go through the same after a few days and this might be the right recipe for both of you to get back to business in bed once again.

3.    Chat With Your Partner
It is ideal for you to talk to your partner during as well as after sex. It will help in improving the communication between the two and also help in rekindling the sexual passion and desire. It is important for you to stick to comedy and light hearted topics and you can discuss anything other than serious topics.

4.    Cuddling
Cuddle your partner when she or he hits the bed after sex. Planting soft and romantic kisses on the neck area and cheeks while cuddling will arouse his or her love to you. This is also an ideal way to let your partner know that you adore them and every partner will love to have a little bit of spooning and cuddling after a fiery session in bed. Talking with your partner along with cuddling can also be tried out as a variation.

5.    Soft Touches
It would be better for you to not let go the sexual passion in you immediately after having a good time in bed. Make sure that you spend some time in bed touching and arousing each other. These soft touches can be really romantic and there are also chances that both of you might get sexually aroused once more. Sometimes, you might even feel like having another sex session right away. No matter you guys are reading books or watching TV, soft touches are sure to improve your love towards each other.

6.    Watch Movies
Instead of hitting the bed right way after a sex session, it would be better for you and your partner to watch a good movie. Make sure that you avoid serious, horror and teary subjects it would be better to watch romantic and fun filled movies. Touching your partner while watching the movie and some cuddling will make you guys bond with each other even better.

7.    Laugh Your Heart Out
Another good way to unwind after a good session in bed is to share a joke or two or even share some of the thoughts about your sex session that arouses laughter in both of you. Laughing your hearts out and together after a steamy bed session will help you both get much closer to each other. You can even crack a few A-rated jokes to give each other good company after a bed session.

8.    Talk About The Future
It is not ideal for couples to immediately hit the bed after a good sex session. You need time to relax and unwind before sleeping and both of you can discuss about your future plans lying in the bed. You can discuss about each other’s hopes, plans and ambitions. You can talk about a future travel plan together or a movie date and so on. This would really work out if you guys are meeting for a one-night stand.

9.    Take A Short Nap
If you both have had some of the best steamy sessions of your sex life, then it is ideal for you to take some rest in order to cool down. There are many people who love to take a short nap after a good love making session. Make sure that you wrap around each other’s arms and go in for a short nap. Wake up after some time and if you like you can also go for another rousing sex session.

10.    Reconnect With Your Partner
It is ideal that you reconnect with your partner after sex to improve your relationship. You can lie next to each other in bed and stare at each other for a long time. You can also whisper some sweet things that are soothing to the ears of your partner. Touch, cuddle, laugh and embracing each other are some of the ways you can reconnect with your partner.

Source :

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Use eucalyptus oil to breathe easier, kill germs, and more

One of the few essential oils most people can identify by smell alone; eucalyptus is very popular because of its effectiveness and range of uses. Originally from Australia, where it was first used by the aborigines, the locals started distilling and using the oil in the 1780s. The eucalyptus is one of the world's tallest, deciduous trees, with some varieties growing as high as 465 feet. Making up about 75 percent of Australia's flora, the eucalyptus comes in 600 species, with about 15 yielding valuable oil. The oils fall into one of three categories of use: medicinal, perfumery, or industrial. All the oils are steam distilled from leaves that have that recognizable fresh and clean scent. As essential oils in their natural state are more powerful and effective than the single constitutes chemists prefer, this article focuses on medicinal uses rather than industrial ones.  

Exceptional germ killer
The most commonly used oil for aromatherapy is eucalyptus globulus, with a strong, camphor-like scent. Others have basically the same traits but are slightly more gentle and include eucalyptus radiata, eucalyptus smithii and eucalyptus citriodora. Whichever species you have or can find, eucalyptus essential oil has especially powerful germicidal properties. For example, place a two percent mixture in an aroma burner to kill 70 percent of staphylococcus bacteria in a room. Another example: researchers in India found eucalyptus to be effective against several strains of E. coli. The medicinal properties of eucalyptus oil include: anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, decongestant, deodorant, antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, expectorant, febrifuge, vermifuge, immune-stimulant, antibiotic, diuretic, analgesic, and cephalic (aids concentration). It cools the body in summer and protects the body in winter.

Breathe easier
Eucalyptus has a strong influence on breathing and is best known for its effective use against respiratory ailments of any nature including colds, catarrh, coughs, allergies, bronchitis, flu, throat infections, asthma, congestion, sinus problems, etc. It can help regenerate lung tissue, and aid in the whole breathing process. It stimulates red blood cell functioning, increasing the oxygen supply to every cell in the body, which explains part of why it is helpful in any diseased state. To treat respiratory ailments, inhale the oil. Use in a vaporizer or humidifier, aroma lamp, spray, add a few drops to a bowl of hot water, place a towel over your head and breathe deep. You could also add to cough drops (commercial lozenges available) or chest ointment, or gargle to soothe sore throats. Place a drop or two topically over the infected area, such as the throat, the Eustachian tubes for ear infections, lymph nodes, etc. If you need to use eucalyptus for longer than two or three weeks, it is good to have another species to mix it up, or you can combine with other oils that have similar properties such as niaouli, pine, Swiss pine, hyssop, or thyme.

Additional uses for eucalyptus
Eucalyptus' effectiveness at all things respiratory overshadows its other uses. Just remember that it is antibacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory, which means it is useful for most ailments.

1. Wounds and infections - Eucalyptus is a traditional treatment for malaria. (The trees are planted in swamps in North Africa to prevent the spread of malaria as well.) It is effective against other insects' bites and stings as well. Its germicidal properties provide antiseptic protection to wounds, burns, cuts, abrasions, and ulcers. It promotes healing in slow healing wounds, helping new tissue form where needed. Eucalyptus has a history of effective use against childhood illnesses and infections such as cholera, measles, scarlet fever, mumps, tuberculosis, and typhoid. Combine with chamomile and lavender in baths for chicken pox. Also useful against UTIs and candida, herpes simplex virus, and shingles blisters. Add eucalyptus oil to a cold compress to help bring down fever. It tonifies the thymus gland, boosting immunity.

2. Pain Relief - Eucalyptus is effective against muscle and joint pain. From migraines to rheumatism, lumbago to sprained ligaments and tendons, and fibrositis to general aches and pains; eucalyptus is an effective, local pain killer. The analgesic and anti-inflammatory nature can even relieve nerve pain. Massage the oil in a circular motion on the affected area.

3. Manage disease - Eucalyptus oil is effective at lowering blood sugar (diabetes) and relieving pain (fibromyalgia). It is one of several essential oils found to have comparable action to traditional antibiotics against disease-causing hospital pathogenic bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus C and D, various species of Proteus, Klebsiella spp., Salmonella typhi, Haemophilus influenza, and more.

4. Mental stimulant - Most ill people are down - depressed, experience brain fog and are fatigued. Eucalyptus stimulates the mind, aids concentration, and relieves mental exhaustion. It has a cooling effect upon strong emotions, rejuvenating the spirit and relieving stress. It leaves you refreshed and more balanced. Effective treatment for convalescence. A combination of eucalyptus and peppermint applied topically to forehead and temples was shown in a double blind study to relieve headaches better than acetaminophen and aspirin. It was found to increase intellectual capacities and logical thought processes.

5. Personal hygiene - Eucalyptus benefits skin, hair, and teeth. From acne and blemishes to dandruff, sunburn to repelling insects, eucalyptus has many uses in the personal care area. It is useful against cavities, gingivitis, and other dental infections as well.

6. Household uses - Add eucalyptus to homemade soaps. It is often found in toothpastes, detergents, and mouthwash. Use it for pet care, such as a flea deterrent for dogs. Add eucalyptus oil to saunas, spas, and bathtubs to disinfect and refresh. Use to disinfect and deodorize rooms. Remove tar from clothes or skin harmlessly with this oil as well. Considerations for use All essential oils should be kept out of the reach of children and pets. Oral ingestion of five milliliters of eucalyptus globulus by a three-year-old could prove lethal. Keep it away from the eyes. Be sure to use cautiously on sensitive skin until you ascertain whether or not you react to it. Use under the advisement of a qualified practitioner in the presence of high blood pressure or epilepsy. As with most essential oils, it may counteract homeopathy remedies; don't even store them together. As you can see, eucalyptus is valuable, powerful medicine. It is readily available, inexpensive, versatile, and stores easily for a long period of time. It is a valuable addition to any holistic medicine cabinet or disaster preparedness kit.
Source :

McDonald's sues Australian town for rejecting its fast food garbage

Plans by fast food giant McDonald's to build its first restaurant in the Australian town of Tecoma, located in the state of Victoria, are being challenged by nearly 100,000 individuals who recently signed a petition demanding that McDonald's stay out of the area. According to Yahoo! TV in Australia, representatives from an activist group known as BurgerOff recently flew 10,000 miles to the McDonald's global headquarters near Chicago to deliver the petition and signatures, which company officials reportedly refused to touch. For over two years, BurgerOff and the people of Tecoma have been fighting to keep McDonald's out of their town, pointing out that the company's intent to build a large, 24-hour drive-thru location near an elementary school would be "a giant advertisement for junk food" for young children who would walk by it daily. But according to the International Business Times, this massive grassroots effort that has included public demonstrations, flash mobs, social media and other forms of community outreach has thus far been unsuccessful at thwarting McDonald's plans. So to raise the stakes, BurgerOff went straight to the heart of the beast, bringing along signs, petitions and plenty of fervor, which has put the effort in the global spotlight. The group even set up little inflatable kangaroos at a busy McDonald's location in Chicago, which helped draw even more attention. The ultimate goal of the protest, of course, is to show McDonald's that it is not welcome in Tecoma and needs to look elsewhere for its expansion endeavors. "They sent out a P.R. [public relations] lady and a guy from corporate responsibility," explained Garry Muratore, a Tecoma McDonald's protester, to Australia's Sunrise Live recently about how McDonald's responded to the arrival of four BurgerOff members. "They wouldn't touch the actual petition; it was like we were giving them poison. They handed the 7,000 pages [of the petition] to a poor security guard there." Despite the fact that the vast majority of Tecoma residents, according to Muratore, are in opposition to the project, McDonald's plans to move forward with it anyway. The company has even gone so far as to file a lawsuit against the protesters in an effort to keep them away from the proposed construction site, alleging that the project is well supported throughout the local community. But according to Muratore, this claim is absolutely false. "That's a lie that McDonald's in Australia keeps pushing," he told reporters. "We know that nine out of 10 people don't want this." McDonald's claims lawsuit will somehow 'protect' people of Tecoma Muratore and his allies have, of course, challenged McDonald's on this claim. But the response they received is both nonsensical and almost cryptic, as the burger giant claims that suing the protesters is the best way to protect them. "We then pointed out that if they were being responsible, why are they suing us? And it was a little bit like the quote from the Vietnam War that we had to destroy the village to save it," added Muratore. "They actually told us that they were suing us for our own legal protection... I don't know what that meant, but they seemed to think it was a great idea." Learn more:

Monday, 28 October 2013

10 superfoods for babies and toddlers

Babies and toddlers do not eat much food because their tummies are tiny. That is why it is important to feed them foods that are packed with nutrients. Superfoods are natural foods that are high in nutrients and antioxidants packed with health giving properties. They are easily digestible and keep the body and mind healthy and working great. These 10 superfoods are essential for babies' and toddlers' growing bodies. 1. Avocado Avocados are the best first food for your baby. They are a perfect consistency and they contain an abundance of nutrients including high levels of Omega-3s. You can simply slice open an avocado and feed it straight into your little one's mouth. If you would like a smoother consistency, add a little breast milk or substitute and mash. 2. Beans Beans are super nutritious. They are very high in antioxidants containing 10 times the amount of antioxidants as oranges. They are high in fiber, which prevents your baby from becoming constipated. They are high in iron, protein and vitamin B. They should be soaked overnight before preparing to decrease cooking time. 3. Blueberries Blueberries are super nutritious. They are higher in antioxidants than any other fresh fruit and very beneficial to your baby's brain, urinary and nervous systems as well as their heart and eyes. They are also high in fiber, and vitamins A and C. 4. Coconut Coconuts contain medium chain fatty acids which have significant health benefits and are similar to the ones found in human breast milk. They help boost the immune system, improve digestion, and balance the blood sugar. 5. Chia Seeds Chia seeds are higher in antioxidants than blueberries and have more calcium than whole milk. They are very high in Omega-3s, magnesium, fiber, iron, potassium, and protein. 6. Dark leafy greens These leafy greens are rich in antioxidants and high in iron and folate. They are a top superfood because they contain large amounts of vitamins C, and K as well as calcium. Vitamin K and calcium are great bone-builders. 7. Eggs (cage-free/organic) Eggs are full of high quality nutrients for your baby. They contain choline, a B-vitamin that plays an important role in the development and function of the baby's brain. Eggs are full of protein and Omega-3s as well as vitamin D, folate, the antioxidant lutein and many minerals such as zinc, iron, and selenium, a great immune booster. 8. Oats Oats are a good source of soluble and insoluble fiber and they are also rich in phytochemicals, vitamin E, zinc, iron, magnesium and selenium. Oats are a good source of protein and a great way to start the morning. Use plain oats and add your own toppings such as nuts, fruit or a drizzle of agave nectar. 9. Quinoa Quinoa is a complete protein making it perfect for vegetarian babies, it is high in lysine, an amino acid important for tissue growth and repair. Quinoa has a good amount of fiber and is high in nutrients such as manganese, magnesium and has a very high iron content. Quinoa is a gluten free grain and is an alternative to whole grain rice in many baby food recipes. 10. Sweet potatoes Sweet potatoes are among the most nutritious vegetables available. They are rich in phyto-nutrients and high in vitamins A and C. They have a naturally sweet flavor and creamy texture making these vegetables appealing to babies and toddlers. Learn more:

New device helps detect skin cancer

Now there's a new device making a world of difference in the accuracy of detecting melanoma, a deadly form of skin cancer. Melanoma is treatable when discovered early, something that patient Gordon Thompson knows well. "I lost count. I would say over 70." The 42-year-old Thompson knows he's lucky to be alive, and he continues to win his battle with skin cancer, a battle he began waging years ago with his first mole biopsy. Gordon's battle wounds are in the form of scars covering his back, but now there is a new weapon on his side called Melafind. This new device increases odds of winning against Melanoma. Dr. Lydia Parker of the Parker Skin and Aesthetic Centers was one of the first to try this device in Northeast Ohio, saying it is the "very first tool approved by FDA to detect melanoma and analyze a mole in a way that's painless." The steps in using the device begin with a doctor identifying suspicious moles. Then the machine is pressed against these moles to verify her suspicions. The computer screen shows it at work and the light penetrates under the skin. Dr. Parker takes a 3D image of the mole in layers. The images penetrate deeper and deeper into the skin and it analyzes 75 different features of the mole assigning it an instant numerical score. In essence, the Melafind is an instant second opinion for doctor's detection of cancerous moles. Basically, a second opinion, among other benefits, is cutting down on having to cut up a patient. Gordon Thompson's favorite part about Melafind is that it's 98 percent accurate. The device is too new for insurance companies right now. That's expected to change. In the meantime, expect the cost to average $200 to use it. For people like Gordon who says he's "got a lot to live for," the cost is more than worth it.

Sunday, 27 October 2013

10 reasons to take spirulina every day

We talk a lot about "superfoods" here at NaturalNews because there are literally thousands of nutrient-dense superfood options from which to choose, all of which contain a unique array of disease-fighting vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and other healing components. But the one superfood that stands out among the rest -- and the one that you should be taking every single day for your health -- is spirulina, a special type of blue-green algae that is loaded with chlorophyll and a host of other life-giving nutrients. Spirulina is particularly rich in 1) infection-fighting proteins that have been scientifically shown to increase the production of disease-combating antibodies within the body. Since spirulina is composed of nearly 70 percent protein, the highest among all other foods, it is particularly effective at boosting the production of macrophages, a type of white blood cell that fights and prevents infection. A 2005 study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food found that spirulina helps 2) inhibit allergic reactions as well, particularly among those suffering from allergic rhinitis. It turns out that regularly taking high doses of spirulina can help allergy sufferers experience dramatic improvements in their allergy symptoms. As far as blood health is concerned, spirulina has been shown to be an effective 3) treatment for anemia. In his book Healing with Whole Foods: Asian Traditions and Modern Nutrition, author Paul Pitchford explains how spirulina and numerous other forms of micro-algae effectively boost production of red blood cells, particularly when taken in combination with vitamin B12. Rich in both phycocyanin and chlorophyll, spirulina is also a powerful 4) blood purifier. Not only do these two important nutrients promote blood cell growth, but they also rejuvenate the existing blood supply. Chlorophyll in particular is nearly identical to hemoglobin, the molecule responsible for cleansing the blood and transporting oxygen to cells. Because it contains all eight essential amino acids and 10 other non-essential amino acids, the antioxidants beta carotene and zeaxanthin, B complex vitamins; dozens of trace minerals, the essential fatty acid gamma linolenic acid, pathogen-targeting proteins, and beneficial probiotic bacteria, spirulina is also unmatched in its ability to 5) boost the immune system. These same nutrients also help to 6) detoxify the cells and body of heavy metals and other toxins. A powerful chelating agent, spirulina tends to reach deep into bodily tissues and root out toxins like mercury, radiation, arsenic, cadmium, pesticides, synthetic food chemicals, and environmental carcinogens. Spirulina also assists in the transport of essential nutrients across the blood-brain barrier to replace the voids left by these toxins. A 1988 study out of Japan and several others have found that spirulina helps to 7) lower cholesterol levels and mitigate the underlying inflammation problems that cause cholesterol to accumulate in the bloodstream. Supplementing with spirulina daily effectively reduces blood serum levels of cholesterol, which means cholesterol is being deposited throughout the body where it needs to be rather than in arterial walls where it can cause cardiovascular problems. Overweight or obese individuals trying to lose weight may also derive benefit from spirulina's ability to 8) promote weight loss. Not only can supplementing with spirulina help you shed the extra pounds, but it may also assist in the growth and development of lean muscle mass, particularly because of its extremely high ratio of bioavailable protein. Many people who supplement with spirulina tend to notice dramatic improvements in mental health and cognitive acuity. Because it contains exceptionally high levels of the L-tryptophan, an amino acid that produces the brain neurotransmitters melatonin and serotonin, spirulina is an unprecedented 9) brain chemistry balancer that can help improve mood, boost memory, and promote feelings of calm and happiness. Spirulina's diverse array of antioxidants, essential fatty acids, and cleansing nutrients also helps to 10) nurture healthy skin and hair. By targeting the detrimental factors that contribute to hair loss, saggy skin, and other side-effects of aging, spirulina can help rejuvenate your body's largest organ from the inside out. Topical spirulina creams can also help tone and improve skin health. To experience the maximum benefits of spirulina, it may be necessary for some people to consume as many as several grams or more per day of this nutrient-dense superfood. Just be sure to purchase only reputable brands of spirulina such as Cyanotech's Nutrex-Hawaii Spirulina Pacifica, which is cultivated and harvested in such a way as to avoid contamination with toxic microcystins. Source :

Friday, 25 October 2013

Do gentlemen still exist?

Women usually love to be treated with chivalry... but do men think it is equally important for them to show it? We ask a few men... When we talk of chivalry, the first thing that comes to mind is the picture of a soldier. Strong, sturdy, protective, yet courteous and absolutely well-behaved. In fact the defense forces are supposed to be chivalrous towards women, starting from their own spouse, as a ground rule. While most men are devoid of this nature, there are a few who still maintain the old world gentlemanly charm. Hussain Kuwajerwala says, "My chivalry increased when my girlfriend and now my wife came into my life. I believe that it is nice to be chivalrous as women deserve it." Women might look for love, understanding, caring, good looks, good conduct, et al. in men. But one thing that almost everyone would want is chivalry. It is the most defining factor that a girl would look for in men. So, where does this come from? Actor-Singer Karan Oberoi says, "Upbringing has a lot to do with it. Also as a matter of fact men are more sturdy than women, physically. So it is expected that you treat these fragile beauties well. Because I've had a background from the defense forces, all my family has been following chivalry towards women as a rule. And it's become a part of my system too, so I don't have to work on it. It has some old world charm to it which should stay." Major Jayesh Dhingra (ex-army) sheds some more light on the matter from an army man's perspective. He says, "Perhaps fighting for the motherland, sometimes even at the cost of the ultimate sacrifice of life, brings us to a heightened state of devotion and love towards our better halves. This reflects the essence of chivalry still being prevalent amongst the men in olives." Actor Purab Kohli adds, "Things instilled since formative years become part of one's natural being." However we see chivalry losing it's sheen somewhere. Maybe due to daily routine or simply because after a point of time people start taking each other for granted. But let's accept it that gentlemen do really exist, although not everywhere, but they are there! Source :

Human Health and Medical Fun Facts

Her Curvy Hips Make Her Smarter
Smart women grow curvy hips! University of Pittsburg and University of California studied about 16,000 women and reported the following in 2007: curvy hips indicate smart women who will deliver intelligent children! Women should have fat in their hips, rather than their waist, because hip fat is usually high on omega-3 fatty acids (fat that develop the brain), while waist fat is high on omega-6 fats that do not develop the brain. Artificial Food Coloring=Crushed Bugs
Yes, if you see food labels that read "artificial coloring" and "color added" that means most likely you'll be eating bugs along with other ingredients. The FDA does not require companies to be more specific about their food coloring. Therefore, companies choose not to label "crushed beetles for red dye", a label that might discourage consumers from buying their products. Dannon admits to using cochineal beetles as a dye to some of its yogurt products. In 2009, Michael Jacobson has attempted to pressure the FDA to require more specific labeling for the sake of those who might have allergies. Toothbrush, a Dangerous Instrument
Each year about 2,500 people go to emergency rooms to be treated because of injuries caused by using a toothbrush—most injuries happen when a fall occurs while brushing (Food & Drug Administration). Bottled Water Contains More Bacteria Than Tap Water
EPA standards for tap water are much stricter than FDA standards for bottled water. Result: tap water is cleaner and cheaper. Two independent studies confirmed the above statement. The first study at Case Western Reserve University tested 39 samples of bottled water and found that 15 of the samples contained about twice as much bacteria as Cleveland tap water. Another study by the Natural Resources Defense Council found that about 18% of bottled water brands contained more bacteria than allowable, besides other chemicals found in the bottled water. Also about 1/3 of bottled water sold in the US is tap water. Aquafina (Pepsi product) and Dasani (Coke product) are nothing but tap water. Antidepressant's Side Effect: No Romance!
Anthropologist Helen Fisher and psychiatrist James Thomson collaborated in a study that concluded that antidepressants alter brain chemistry resulting in diminishing a desire for romance. Antidepressants decrease levels of dopamine (a brain chemical of pleasure that plays an important role in creating an urge for love and romance). In the study, women who took antidepressant looked at attractive men in photos and thought the men to be not so attractive.

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Does Smoking Kill Brain Cells?

Smoking is a fad amongst teenagers but it often persists in them. Those who take up the act of smoking in their early teens are usually influenced by the peer groups. After sometime, they cannot give up the habit of smoking even if they want to. The endless cycle goes on and one becomes a smoker as a result. Today there are many adverse side effects on health that have been discovered to be brought on or aggravated by smoking. From lung cancer to other kinds of respiratory diseases, a compromised immune system to killing brain cells, there are no good aspects or side effects that can be attributed to smoking.
Direct Biological Evidence Found
As regards the question whether smoking kills brain cells, there has been direct biological evidence that has been discovered by scientists. That would certainly help to act as a greater incentive to stop people from smoking and urge them to discontinue such a habit. Anti-smoking groups are promoting the latest finding in a greater way so that people are discouraged to take up a smoke the next time.
Research Conducted
The research conducted comprised of three groups of rats who were given varying levels of nicotine:
  • One group was given low levels of nicotine
  • One group was given moderate amount of nicotine
  • The third group was given high amount of nicotine
  • The fourth group was not administered any nicotine
The rats were allowed to absorb the nicotine for an hour a day and it was continued for 42 days. They were killed after that and their brains dissected in order to understand the effects.
The findings were:
  • The rodents which took on higher to medium doses of nicotine suffered a loss of 50% of their brain cells and the production of brain cells
  • The rate of brain cell death was higher
  • The non nicotine group did not show such rate of loss of brain cells or reduction in brain cell production
  • There was a fall in a protein of the brain, PSA-NCAM that occurred in all rats which took in nicotine in different amounts
The protein is known to play a vital role in the adaptability feature of the brain. It is related to the ability of the brain to learn as well as to memorize.
Such findings add onto the concerns that are already associated with health and nicotine abuse. The study throws light on the effects of the neural mechanisms of the brain due to the influence of tobacco or nicotine. Though there is no surprise regarding the inclusion of nasty chemicals in tobacco and the effects of it on the health of an individual, the current finding of the effect of the nicotine on the brain cells should certainly give food for thought to the students. There are myths that smoking helps one to concentrate and think. That is again dispelled by such research findings. It is imperative that such findings be given due to recognition by parents and youngsters themselves.

Source :

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

10 Most Unhealthy Cancer Causing Foods To Avoid

We all know that our health depends on what we eat.  Our diet consists of different varieties of food items which are prepared and processed using different methods.  During the preparation, storage and processing various changes occur to the naturally obtaining foods and some of these changes are damaging to our body cells.  There are many food items which are considered as carcinogenic or which act as cancer causing agents and hence are to be avoided completely, if you want to enjoy a healthy life for a long time.  Cancer is one of the most dreaded diseases of the modern age and diet plays an important role in causing cancer, apart from other factors such as genetics, exposure to chemicals and life style.  To avoid cancer risk one should have basic knowledge about the food items that are harmful to our body.  Most of the mouth watering foodstuffs available in the market are actually carcinogenic and hence a careful selection of food is necessary to protect ourselves and our family members from the risk of developing cancer.  The top ten foods which are cancer causing are discussed here.

1.    Processed Meat

There are different methods used for processing and preserving meat.
  • Smoking, salting, curing, pickling and chemical preservatives are the common methods used to preserve meat.
  • Processed meat items like bacon, hot dogs, sausages, packaged ham, pepperoni etc contain preservatives which make them appear as fresh.
  • Sodium nitrite and nitrate are the preservatives which are commonly used and these preservatives are found to be carcinogenic. These preservatives increase the chances of colon cancer and pancreatic cancer.
According to World Cancer Research Fund, the consumers should avoid eating processed meats to protect themselves from cancer.

2.    Smoked And Burned Food Items

One of the major food items liked by people is the barbequed foods.
  • Smoking and barbecuing produces polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. These chemicals increase the risk of cancer.
  • Studies have shown that eating burned or charred food items increases the chance of pancreatic cancer by about 60%.
  • Cooking the food items at high temperature causes the production of chemicals such as hetero cyclic amines which increases the chances of bowel or gullet cancer.

3.    GMO Foods

The development of biotechnology has led to the increased production of genetically modified organisms for food purpose.
  • There are genetically modified vegetables, fish and poultry which are produced using chemicals which promote rapid growth of tumors in humans.
  • The genetically modified corn, tomatoes, potatoes, soybeans, canola, salmons poses threat to our health and hence should not be considered as cancer –free diet.
It is necessary to execute caution while purchasing food items. Select food items which are certified as non-GMO foods or organic foods which are produced using natural methods.

4.    Sweetened Beverages

Sweetened and carbonated beverages like soda and other drinks sold commercially have high levels of refined sugar, added color and preservatives.
  • Scientific studies have proved that people who consume more than two servings of soda per week have 87% more chance of developing cancer of the digestive system.
  • The excess sugar present in these beverages provides the best medium for the cancer cells to grow as they provide all the nourishment for the tumor cells.
  • Chemicals present in soda such as caramel color and its derivative 4-methylimidazole (4-MI) have been considered as cancer causing.

5.    Foods With Artificial Sweeteners

In the modern day, people are more aware about the need for maintaining healthy weight and in order to achieve this they depend on various diet foods and beverages which claim to be sugar free.
  • These foods and beverages which contain artificial sweeteners are more dangerous than the refined sugar.
  • Artificial sweeteners such as aspartame, Saccharain and Sucralose causes different health related problems including cancer.

6.    Contaminated Produce

  • Most of the conventionally produced fruits and vegetables are contaminated by the use of pesticides.
  • The most contaminated food produce includes apples, grapes strawberries, oranges and potatoes. More than 90 % of the samples tested found to have pesticide residue.
  • Pesticides, as such, are toxic to humans and the chemicals in the pesticides increase the risk of cancer and lowered IQ in children.
  • You should buy fruits and vegetables which are organic or with pesticide-free label.

7.    Fried Food Items

Fried items like chips and crisps contain chemical called Acrylamide which may cause cancer in humans.
  • French fries are cooked using oils containing trans-fats which are unhealthy for the heart.
  • Frying food items in re -heated oil releases toxic aldehydes which causes cancer and other neurodegenerative diseases.
  • Most of the fast food outlets use re-heated oil to fry potatoes and other items.

8.    Microwave Popcorn

This is another food to be avoided to prevent cancer.
  • The lining of the microwave popcorn bag contain perfluoroctanoic acid (PFOA) which belongs to a class of compounds that is linked to liver, testicular, and pancreatic cancers.
  • When the bag is microwaved, the chemicals vaporize and get absorbed by the popcorn, which will ultimately reach your body.

9.    Canned Food Items

  • Most of the canned food items contain preservatives which may react with the can material.
  • The lining of the cans contains bisphenol-A which is proven to disrupt the normal hormonal activity of the body. This chemical is suspected to cause various problems including cancer.

10.    Hydrogenated Oil

Hydrogenated oils are used for preparing the food which needs a longer shelf life.
  • Hydrogenated vegetable oils can change the structure of the cell membrane and make them more susceptible to diseases like cancer.
  • These trans-fats are still used by commercial food manufacturing units. Check the food labels to make sure that they are free of hydrogenated vegetable oil.
Do you want to prevent the risk of cancer? Are you looking for the foods to be avoided to lead a cancer free life? Try avoiding the above mentioned food items and select only organic and pest free food items. Avoid artificially colored and sweetened food items. This will help to avoid the fear of developing cancer and lead a relaxed and quality life for many years.

Source :

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

'High-less' medical marijuana now being grown at Israeli plantation

An Israeli company that has been producing medical marijuana for patients since 2004 has developed a new strain of the healing plant that it says contains minimal levels of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), and thus does not elicit the "high" feeling typically associated with smoking recreational cannabis.

At an undisclosed location in northern Israel, Tikun Olam, which was founded by a retired biology teacher with an interest in helping patients treat their ailments naturally, manufactures the new strain that Reuters Health says contains 15.8 percent cannabidiol (CBD), and less than one percent THC. The resultant product, according to the company, provides the best of both worlds without a psychoactive effect.

"Sometimes the high is not always what they need," says Zack Klein, head of development at Tikun Olam, concerning patients who take medicinal marijuana but do not desire to feel intoxicated. "For some of the people, it's not even pleasant."

Marijuana naturally contains more than 60 varieties of a compound known as cannabinoids that activates cannabinoid receptors throughout the body. When ingested or smoked, these cannabinoids trigger an anti-inflammatory response that can provide incredible benefits in treating and curing disease, including rheumatoid arthritis, colitis, liver inflammation, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

THC is one of these cannabinoids, as is CBD. But depending on the variety of marijuana used, the ratio of CBD to THC can vary significantly, which is what makes Tikun Olam's new strain unique. By breeding a variety of marijuana with a lower ratio of THC to CBD, the company will fill a niche market for patients specifically trying to avoid the psychoactive effects of THC.

"It's a huge advantage," said one medical marijuana patient to Reuters Health about the the new strain. "I can smoke during the day, function with a lot less pain and still be focused, work and drive. It is a great gift."

Cannabis International (CI), a medicinal marijuana advocacy group, has also been conducting research on the powerful benefits of CBD. Juicing marijuana leaves as opposed to smoking the buds is a great way to both avoid the "high" associated with smoking marijuana, and obtain the maximum health benefits of marijuana's cornucopia of medicinal components.