Monday, 15 September 2014

Top 10 Most Harmful Foods for the Body

We are the generation that lives off junk food and fast internet speeds. Some of us sit around with growing stomachs and others with growing diet charts. Whatever the case may be, in both situations there are many food items that we eat that are harmful for us. Even the food that has been sold as “healthy” can have rather damaging effects on our body.
Being young and in good health – none noticeable as yet – we don’t really care about our intake so long at tastes good and fills us. In the long run, however , we face a number of health related issues from gastroenteritis to high blood pressure, diabetes, pains and aches, cancer, and other rather ailments that are extremely threatening to our lives. Obesity, diabetes and heart disease are the three most deadly diseases that threaten are day to day lives. Foods that may simply be an add-on can be more dangerous than we can imagine. Sugar for example is listed as the public enemy number one. Little amounts in tea and coffee may not do too much noticeable damage but donuts glazed in sugar, sweets like gummy bears and the like, consist primarily of various types of sugar. What starts out as a single cavity might end up as a life-long ailment of diabetes.
Another kind of food over-taking our society is fast-food. The innumerable number of fast-food chains makes it simple and easy to get some of tastiest food at your beck and call. Everything from deliciously meaty burgers, to deep fried fries and ketchup, pizzas and bagels and the lot. Just the thought of this kind of food is enough to get our saliva glands working. Eventually these are the things that cause the fat build up and hardened arteries and slowly but surely bring down our lifespan. Fighting diseases is quite a handful when you have so many tasty treats to choose from; even enabling ones will power and restraint becomes a task that can actually be exhausting.  Club that together with pure laziness and it will equal a rather unhealthy person with a list of complications they might suffer from later on in life.
Keeping one’s health in check not only gives the person a longer life but increases energy, memory capacity and a whole bunch of other wonderful things occur thanks to keeping fit. It makes the person’s life better rounded than most.
Having said that here are the top 10 most harmful foods that you should most definitely avoid:

1. Bacon

Writing condemning points about bacon hurts me but facts are indeed, facts. Bacon has both nitrates and nitrites and has been linked with cancer and blood disease. It has a crazy fat content with saturated and polyunsaturated fats as well as high sodium content: one slice of bacon contains 150 milligrams of sodium.

2. Sweets and Candy

Sweets and Candy
Candy and sweets have a lot of surface effects on the body like tooth decay and weight gain but these also lead to certain diseases like diabetes, etc. An excess of candy can cause children’s teeth to rot and fall off at a very young age. It can also cause lifelong diabetes in adults. A candy or two a day or every few days won’t be too damaging however in excess it has some drastic effects on the human body.

3. Dairy Products

Dairy Products
Natural as they may be, these products have some far reaching effects if consumed in excess. Some people are completely lactose intolerant. First there is the problem of flatulence where gas in the digestive tract may occur when the bacteria in the large intestine breaks down undigested food. The low levels of lactase caused by lactose consumption increases the amount of undigested sugars in the body. Then there is nausea and malnutrition to add to the list.

4. Fried Foods

Fried Foods
A lot of the time fried foods and fast food go hand in hand. And like fast food, fried items on the menu have the same consequences. High in calories and just generally unhealthy for one’s system. From heart disease, diabetes, gastroenteritis, bad eating habits, obesity, slowing down of the metabolic rate, high BMI, etc., fried food may be tasty but also rather deathly in the long run.

5. Fast Food

Fast Food

Frankly, I don’t think many good things have been said about fast food in general, everything associated with it have been negative comments and opinions, besides of course the mindblowing flavours blowing your mind and tastebuds to bits. One of the major effects is obesity which invariably leads to heart disease and type 2 diabetes. It also leads to peptic ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract and irregular eating habits which messes up the metabolism of the body and digestion, etc.

6. Chocolate

Regardless of all the hype dark chocolate has been given for all its positive effects on our health, everything comes with its pros and cons and so does chocolate. One bar of milk chocolate that has 1.55 ounces or 44 grams, contain 235 calories, 13 grams of fat, and 221 grams of sugar. One ounce of dark chocolate contains 156 calories, 9 grams of fat and 13 grams of sugar. All of this puts you at a great risk of obesity and heart failure. The added sugar has no nutritional value whatsoever. Plus there is the risk of diabetes and cavities. Chocolate also enables the lower esophageal sphincter to relax and that causes all your stomach content to travel back upwards and that leads to the burning sensation in your chest.

7. Sodas

Sodas may temporarily be satisfying your thirst, diet coke may have you psychologically convinced that you are not adding to your waistline but you are sadly mistaken. Firstly, in an eleven yearlong study, Harvard held an experiment which showcased women who drank diet coke had a two-fold increase of kidney decline. To add to this, there is a 34% increase in metabolic syndrome, the increase in belly fat and cholesterol leads to the risk of heart failure. The artificial sweetner completely makes the idea of diet coke ironic since it adds to your calorie intake. Being rather acidic, sodas tend to erode your enamel and your teeth begin to rot.

8. Canned Vegetables

Canned Vegetables
Though they may be vegetables they are also one of the top foods to avoid according to experts. BPA or Bisphenol A is an organic compound used to make various plastics and is found in most food storage products. BPA may protect cans from metal corrosion and bacteria but they lead to neural development in foetuses, endocrine disorders, heart disease and cancer. Canned foods also pose a high sodium risk, especially those on a low salt diet. Including that they contain sulphites as preservatives and at least one in a hundred people are sensitive to sulphites.

9. Chips

This has to – by far – the most addictive item of food I have had the pleasure of experiencing. And as many times as any other person I have completely and proudly ignored the warnings of the harmful effects of chips. Those deep fried, sometimes salty, sometimes tangy slices of potato are far too irresistible for me. But I should probably tell you about these harmful effects: first of all, the weight gain is ridiculous. One ounce of plain potato chips contains at least 150 calories. Secondly, it is very low in nutrition. Thirdly, the sodium content in the chips may lead to cardiovascular ailments like high blood pressure, etc. Lastly, the high fat content also leads to high cholesterol. 15 to 20 chips now don’t seem worth it with all that comes along with it.

10. Microwave Popcorn

Microwave Popcorn

Simple, quick and delicious – it’s hard not to love this buttery corn that simply melts in your mouth but it’s probably best you stick to some organic corn in oil that you can trust popping away in your cooker. Recent reports from the FDA claim that an FDA-approved chemical was found in the fake butter flavouring. It also reported that a chemical coating used in microwave popcorn bags breaks down when heated. These two are what have just been discovered and have been known to cause lung and heart diseases. So next time, you might want to consider getting some regular corn and olive oil, it even tastes better!


Tuesday, 17 June 2014

10 Simple Ways To Relax Every Day

The pace of our culture is increasing at an astonishing rate. While this speed certainly has its benefits and conveniences for our outer lives, they come at a great cost to our inner world.
For as all of the wisdom traditions teach, well-being can only be cultivated when you take time every day to slow down and turn inward. So as fabulous as it is to click a few buttons on your phone and receive a package at your doorstep two days later, the momentary thrill is quickly tempered by the undercurrent of anxiety and emptiness that pervades most people's lives.
When I talk about slowing down with my clients, many of them draw a blank. They're so addicted to the fast pace of our modern world that they believe they've lost the capacity to develop the inner life so necessary to well-being. I'm not talking about giving up all worldly possessions and retreating to a cave on the top of a mountain; no, I'm talking about making a commitment to yourself to slow down and turn inward each day while still remaining connected to a full and active life.
If you need a jump start reminder for how to do that, experiment with the following simple suggestions.
1. Light a candle.
There's something about the flicker of the flame in a dark room that naturally inspires us to slow turn and inward. Perhaps it's a primal reminder of an earlier time in human history when the lack of electricity required that we follow the natural rhythm of day and night. We can find thousands of ways of skirting time; lighting a candle hearkens back to a time when we lived more organically and less technologically.
2. Sit in nature.
Similarly, one of the beauties of nature is that it's completely unaffected by technology. The seasons still follow the same rhythm that has informed their cycle of shedding and renewal for thousands of years. The leaves of the trees die and reborn at their same pace; animals hibernate and migrate at the same rhythm. When you sit in nature — and I do mean sit, as opposed to hike, run, bike, or drive — you absorb via osmosis the pace of nature and your internal clock is reset to organic time.
3. Read poetry out loud.
Poetry is an aural art and, as such, is meant to be read out loud. When you read it out loud, your voice is more likely to meet the pace of the words as they were written, to savor each symbol, and to allow the imagery to wash over your soul and fill you up. It's like standing barefoot in the grass and allowing the waters of the earth rise up through the bottom of your feet, through the channels of your legs, and into the chambers of your heart.
4. Listen to inspiring speakers and teachers
One of the blessings of technology is that it allows us to access some of the world's greatest thinkers with the click of a button. If your mind is an overactive place and, despite trying to meditate you can't seem to quiet those incessantly loud and often mean voices, try replacing them with kinder ones by listening to inspiring audiobooks and lectures.
5. Read an actual book.
Kindles and iPads are convenient, and for some people they may even be easier on the eyes, but when you only take in information through technology, you're much more likely to jump onto the Internet or quickly check your email instead of staying focused on the book. There's a certain romance to reading an actual paper book that is lost when the information is presented technologically.Curling up with the iPad just doesn't feel quite the same as curling up with a good book.
6. Write an actual letter.
The act of putting pen to paper naturally slows us down. While it's convenient to let your fingers fly across the keyboard and click send, when you take the time to choose stationary, write an actual letter in your own hand, fold it up, address it and stamp it, and put it in the mailbox, you're hearkening another era where time moved at a slower pace, and you will move at that pace as well.
7. Meditate.
Meditating creates spaciousness and is now widely acknowledged as one of the most effective ways to slow down and turn inward. Thirty to forty minutes several days a week is ideal, but even just ten minutes of sitting down and getting to know your mind will help you fill your inner well.
8. Journal.
Journaling is a free and accessible way to enter your inner world. When you take time to reflect on the contents of your thoughts, feelings, and actions, you develop a capacity to make choices regarding how you treat yourself. In other words, if you're operating on a running commentary that says, "I'm not good enough," journaling helps to bring that subtext into the forefront of consciousness where you can then choose either to believe it or seek to replace it with a commentary that's more loving and kind.
9. Take a nap.
When's the last time you took a nap? When's the last time, instead of getting something done, you lay down on the bed or your office floor and just closed your eyes? In our culture that values doing over being, it's hard to set aside the voice that cracks down with the cackling whip of "you're lazy" and remember that in many other cultures, a siesta or rest time is built into the fabric of the day and seen as an essential component to well-being.
10. Pet an animal.
If you're wondering how to cultivate more being and less doing, study your pet, as Eckhart Tolle writes in his beautiful little book, Guardians of Being: Spiritual Teachings from our Dogs and Cats.

There are many other ways, of course. When you orient your compass toward filling the well of Self, you'll discover the ways that are most nourishing for you.


Friday, 14 February 2014

How drinking coffee can give you a long, happy life

People joke about how drinking coffee has created a culture of caffeine junkies, people who are basically zombies without their cups of Joe. But the reality is that while some people will take anything to excess, moderate coffee consumption may actually be good for you. Very good. Research links drinking coffee to lowered risk of serious health condition, to longevity, and to better moods.

Coffee fights diseases

Studies indicate that drinking coffee correlates with lower risks of diabetes and heart diseases, two major contributors to premature death. It could also have a protective effect against Alzheimer's disease or delay the onset. These benefits only seem to come from consuming coffee with caffeine though; decaf doesn't do the trick.

Researchers from two universities in the United States discovered a link between greater levels of caffeine in the blood of people aged 65 and older with later appearances of Alzheimer's. According to the people from the Universities of South Florida and Miami, higher levels of caffeine appeared to correlate to a delay of two to four years of the disease when compared to people who had lower blood caffeine levels.

Dr. Chuanhai Cao of the University of San Francisco said that drinking caffeinated coffee in moderation won't necessarily prevent Alzheimer's, but the researchers think that it could significantly decrease Alzheimer's risk or at least delay the development.

Coffee is also a rich source of antioxidants that protect people from a variety of diseases. A 2005 study found that nothing else gives people nearly as many as antioxidants as coffee provides. For Americans, it is the number one source of antioxidants. Although there are other sources of antioxidants, such as fresh fruits and veggies, the human body is able to absorb more of these beneficial substances from coffee.

Coffee makes you happy

There is plenty of anecdotal evidence that coffee boosts the mood. Just hang out in Starbucks and watch the faces of the people who come in and then see their faces change after they have their drinks. But a National Institutes of Health discovered that at least four cups of Joe per day correlates to a 10 percent lower risk of depression. The author of the study, Honglei Chen, MD, PhD, hypothesized that antioxidants are responsible.

Another study found a link between coffee and suicide risk. The Harvard School of Public Health study showed that people who consumed around two to four cups of java had only about half the risk of suicide. The suspected reason is that coffee assists the body to make neurotransmitters including dopamine, noradrenaline, and serotonin. These chemicals help to fight depression.

Coffee may extend life

Most people aspire to live long happy lives, and coffee can assist with that not only by elevating the mood and staving off diseases, but it also may simply help you live longer. A 2012 study found that people who drank at least three cups daily had a lower risk of death. Both regular and decaf seemed to have a positive effect. A study from 2008 published in the Annals of Internal Medicine had similar findings.

So, if you feel guilty about how much coffee you drink, don't. Of course, these studies were all done with coffee, not expensive, high-calorie, extra sweet coffee-flavored beverages. There are no studies to support that habit.

4 Steps To Stop Worrying About What Other People Think Of You

Everyone wants to be liked and accepted, but many of us spend too much time and energy worrying about what other people think. You might not even realize you're doing it, but these kinds of mental gymnastics are unhealthy and stressful, making us feel unworthy and removing our attention from the present moment.
Here are four steps to help you stop worrying about what other people think, designed to help you maintain healthier and happier relationships with yourself and others.

1. Understand why you care.
In order to break the cycle, it's important to understand where the energy is coming from. We've been socialized by a culture that sets norms for our belongingness. From birth, we're taught we should act a certain way, dress a certain way, buy certain products, and adhere to certain ideologies to be liked and accepted. Social media brings the popularity contest to a whole new level, where how many friends we have, and how much they "like" us, is now publicly broadcast and recorded.
We are stressed and exhausted trying to manage our real and online personas to make sure that people continue to like and accept us. Many of us have spent our whole lives in this cycle, believing that a certain set of actions would bring us acceptance, only to repeatedly find that this is not the case. This is a form of social conditioning that we must now give ourselves permission to release!

2. Learn this mantra: What Other People Think About Me Is None of My Business!
The root of the problem with caring about what people think about you is that you're attaching yourself to an outcome that you have absolutely no control over. That’s right, you have NO CONTROL over what people say, do and think about you! You can have the best intentions, or you can do something ridiculous: It doesn’t matter. You do not control the way people will respond, just as they do not control the way you respond to them.
The belief that you have any ownership of or control over people’s opinions about you comes from a place of ego. The reality is that what other people think about you is none of your business! Take a moment and begin to process and accept this perspective. See how the mantra makes you feel, and note the resistance you might feel from your ego. This is normal. (In fact, with all this time spent worrying and managing expectations, this mantra can feel downright strange at first!)

3. Direct the energy to something positive.
This new perspective frees up an immense amount of time and energy to live in the NOW and experience your authentic flow. It also breaks the cycle of conditioning that if you could only do X, say Y, and buy Z, people would like and accept you. Deep inside we know that true acceptance comes from within. So instead of caring so much if someone might be talking about you behind your back ...
Breathe, repeat your mantra, and then direct the excess energy towards something positive, like following your passion and doing what you love! And if you don’t know what you're passionate about, go and find out! Try a creative new activity, such making art, dancing, playing music, building something, or frolicking outside. You'll be amazed at how happy and free you feel when you spend time doing what you love instead of worrying about what other people think!

4. Practice daily self-love and acceptance.
When you're living and creating from a place of genuine love and acceptance, you will know that what other people do, say, and think about you really has nothing to do with you and everything to do with them. If you don’t like what they have to say about you, you can walk away knowing you are being true to yourself.
A regular, daily practice of self-love and self-acceptance is key for releasing attachment to outcomes and maintaining happy, healthy relationships. For many people, this journey begins with meditation, breath-work, yoga, eating healthy, spending time in nature, and creating art. No matter what you do, make sure to do something that reminds you how much you love yourself every day. As you feel more self-love and self-acceptance, you will attract more of it into your space.
This is a life-long mission, not an instant transformation that happens overnight, so please be kind and forgive yourself if you fall back into the cycle of worrying about what other people think. If you find yourself feeling attached to their opinions of you, just remember that they, like you, are walking a long journey of internal healing and growth, and that their attitudes are unique and personal to them ... and truly none of your business!


Thursday, 13 February 2014

10 Lies You Should Stop Telling Yourself Right Now

The mind is a real magician. It often presents an illusion so real that we don’t even stop to consider if it’s true. When we define ourselves by our projections (projections created by our minds – the same tricky mind that likes lying to us), we lock ourselves in the fiction that we already know who we are based on fears, logic, conditioning and habits.
We're limiting our true potential.
It’s time to examine your mind and ask yourself, “What lies am I telling myself that are holding me back?” Here's a list of 10 that you should be aware of and avoid, to become the happiest version of yourself.

Read Also: aspartame vs sugar
1. You are your feelings – you are your thoughts.
When you're encompassed by a powerful emotion it can feel like it's in every fiber of your being. But is this actually true? Are we our emotions?
If we were our feelings or thoughts, when they disappear, we should disappear too. But we don’t. Thoughts, feelings and emotions fade away like a weather system passing through. They are not you.

2. Risks aren't worth it.
Many people are on a quest for safety, but the reality is that no one will never attain it, given the certainty of uncertainty. Everyone lives in a constant state of change. So whether you play it safe or take risks, the outcome isn't guaranteed
Make choices that put you above everything and everyone else. Even your loved ones. After all, if you're not taking care of yourself, your relationships will eventually suffer.

3. Happiness is attached to material success.
You can’t buy happiness. The things in life that truly make us happy are always free: love, laughter, the present moment, kindness, acceptance, gratitude and compassion.

4. You’re fat, ugly, short or dumb.
There will always be someone smarter, funnier, more successful or better looking, you will never live up to the projections you seek. Remember that life is impermanent, so putting your self worth in the basket of physical appearances always will let you down. Stop worrying, because you'll only face an endless struggle of trying to maintain something that will always be out of grasp.

5. You’re a victim, or it's never your fault.
Stop being the victim. Is anyone else really responsible for how you feel inside? We all love to blame; how convenient it is that we often overlook our own responsibility in our relationships.
Accepting fault will improve your credibility, increase learning, solidify relationships and you will appear trustworthy. It will give you strength, not weaken it.

6. You don’t need my friends.
Many times your friendships will take a back seat to other prioritizes, like your kids or work, but telling yourself you don’t need to make the effort is a big mistake.
Friends are good for your health. Friends can help you celebrate good times and provide support during bad times. Friends prevent loneliness, enhance happiness, reduce stress and give you companionship.

7. The past decides the future.
Stop trying to hold on to the past, and stop beating yourself up for your past actions. We all make mistakes. It’s the way we learn, but you are not your mistakes. The past is gone, and dwelling will only strip the present of joy. This is your life, right now!

8. You are alone.
When you feel lonely, sad or hurt you may mistakenly believe that you're alone, that no one else has ever felt so low. The reality is that everyone in the entire universe at one time or another has felt these exact emotions. Just because you can’t always see the connection doesn’t mean it isn’t there, so take comfort in our interdependence.

9. You need to be perfect.
Find the balance between doing a good job and obsessing. Perfectionism causes stress, pessimism, obsessiveness, guilt, and the list goes on. Rememmber you are only human. Tackle life with a light playfulness. Stop taking yourself so seriously.

10. You need to worry about everything.
It is true that worrying strips you of all joy. Can we end suffering? I think we can, if we could only realize that all our suffering comes from our own unpleasant feelings. What if we changed our reactions and thoughts to outer problems. Just ask yourself, what if? It opens up a whole new world of possibilities.
Recognize your thoughts, and don't be afraid to question them and redefine them.


Three major signs you have mercury poisoning

Heavy metals are becoming more pervasive in our food, water, and air supply to the point they are turning up in products that we have previously deemed completely safe. Mercury is one heavy metal in particular that has ended up in our physiology in a variety of ways, and as a result, is causing the slow poisoning of our bodies to the point of acute illness. Here are some of the common signs.

Digestive problems

There are no shortage of reasons why people have digestive problems, but one common factor that many do not consider is mercury poisoning.

This starts for many in their mouth as the chewing of their food releases salivary enzymes, as it simultaneously stimulates the release of mercury from their fillings. This mercury mixes with your food and travels down to the digestive tract with it.

In the stomach this mercury combines with hydrochloric acid and produces mercuric chloride, which can damage the stomach lining and create ulcers. Not only that, but once this mercury comes into contact with our friendly bacteria in our intestinal system, it can kill them instantly by touching them. Unfortunately, this does not harm the mercury and it continues to destroy other friendly bacteria in its path.

This ultimately leads to imbalanced gut flora which creates a multitude of conditions and symptoms, most notably Candida Albicans and other digestive related disorders.

Read Also: aspartame vs sugar

Brain disorders

Mercury is lipophilic, meaning it concentrates in fatty tissues, mostly the brain as it is comprised mostly of fat. For this reason alone, it makes sense that any level of mercury poisoning is going to negatively affect the proper functioning of the brain due to mercury binding to it.

Unfortunately, it appears that the neurological development of fetuses, infants, and children are much more susceptible to mercury poisoning than adults, which may explain rising rates of brain related disorders like autism in infants exposed to vigorous vaccination schedules that contain mercury.

Brain related symptoms from mercury poisoning include late development of walking and talking for infants, and poor memory, attention, language, and fine motor and visual spatial skills. This is often labeled as dementia, autism, ADHD, Parkinson's, depression, migraines, and more.

Muscle and joint pain

Since mercury has an affinity for concentrating in fatty tissues, and tends to accumulate over time, it should come as no surprise that it can cause severe muscle and joint pain, including stiffness and swelling.

Signs of mercury toxicity in the musculoskeletal system include tender muscles, rapid muscle fatigue, joint stiffness, muscle cramps, muscle weakness, and TMJ dysfunction. This is often labeled as arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and multiple sclerosis.

Where mercury is found and what you can do to remove it

Mercury is found in the air, drinking water, fish, dental amalgams, vaccines, occupational and home exposures, batteries, red tattoo dye, and more. Be careful to avoid highly polluted environments and the food and water near them, as well as medical procedures that subject you to mercury.

Detoxing from heavy metals is one of the most important, yet most difficult things to do for your health. It typically takes a long period of time to remove them safely and effectively, so starting right away and using sound medical counsel is vitally important.

First of all, consider a holistic dentist who specializes in the removal of mercury amalgams. Secondly, work with a holistic practitioner who understands the proper food, supplementation, and digestive and liver/kidney support required to safely and effectively remove mercury from your body.

Ensure you are properly detoxified in other areas, and have been properly nourished before you consider starting the process.

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

3 Myths About Sex, Debunked!

It’s going to be a disappointing 45 years if this study is correct!
In the United States, the average life expectancy for men is 76 years. For women, it’s 81. But, a sex satisfaction poll conducted earlier this year showed that both men and women considered the best sex of their lives to have occurred in their early 30s! The conclusion drawn from the survey was that both men and women reach their sexual peaks around 30 years of age.
It’s clear that there are lots of beliefs about who, how and when to have great sex out there. The problem is that some of the most prevailing beliefs are flat-out false.
The trouble with this survey is that it drew from a relatively small pool of people (about 1281 people), and it’s therefore misleading. For instance, you might read a headline that says “Men and Women Reach Sexual Peak in Their 30s” and feel both reassured and very disheartened.
Sadly, it might confirm your perception of your own sexual experiences. And, if you’re already in your 40s, 50s, 60s or even 70s, you might be wondering if that’s it. You had your chance at great and satisfying sex, and now you have to settle for boring sex or none at all!
If you’re past your mid 30s and you don’t feel like you’ve had much (or any) fabulous sex, you might feel depressed and maybe even angry about that. We’d like to look at little more closely at some common sex myths to give you some hope. You see, we believe that you can have amazing and connecting sex even if you’re past what others say is your “sexual peak.”

1. Men peak younger than women. The prevailing belief used to be that men had their sexual peak at 18 while women peaked at 30. We wonder how much of this myth was linked to different attitudes about when and whether men and women should claim their sexual desires.
There’s no doubt that this myth creates a sense of mis-match in heterosexual relationships. It sets women and men up to believe that they’ll never be on the “same page” when it comes to really enjoying sexual intimacy. This causes distance and disconnection.

2.  Sex declines (or disappears) as you age. A big myth about sex is that it’s just not fun or passionate the older you get. For some, there is a belief that you won’t have sex much (or at all) when you get past a certain age. This belief puts even more negative stress and strain on getting older!
When a person’s body changes, he or she may give up trying to have great sex or even think it’s inappropriate. Rather than exploring new ways of being sexual with his or her partner, the person might completely shut down sexually. For those who are single, this myth may cause them to stop dating or refuse to date because of their or their potential partner’s age.

3. Sex inevitably becomes boring in long-term relationships. From our readers and coaching clients, we often hear that it is “just a given that passion will die over time.” The belief here is that it’s normal and unavoidable — sex will become stale and boring in a long-term relationship. The consequences of buying into this myth include: harboring resentment and anger, turning to addictions to make up for no passion, having affairs or merely tolerating a lagging sex life.

8 Bad Pet Parent Behaviors

We’d like to think that most pet parents are kind, responsible people, always looking out for the best interest of their beloved cat or dog. But is that always the case? Far from it! Even the most well-meaning pet parents can do things that harm their Fido or Fifi. Read on for some of the most common bad behaviors of pet parents. And, of course, a disclaimer: all of these behaviors have plenty of caveats, and, ultimately, the decisions you make regarding your pet are best left to you and your veterinarian.

1. You Think Your Pet’s Bad Behavior is All — Or Not at All — Your Fault.
Your pets’ behavior is  often an extension  of your behavior. Is your dog wreaking havoc by running around the house? Perhaps you don’t walk her enough. Incessant barking, chewing things that shouldn’t be chewed, and treating the house as her own personal bathroom: these are all behaviors that, with proper training, can, and should, be modified. But don’t give yourself too hard of a time — even the most seasoned amateur can have difficulties training some dogs, and some dog breeds in particular. That’s when it’s best to get the help of a seasoned professional.

2. You Let Your Dog Jump on Strangers.
Sure, you might think that your dog is the friendliest, sweetest and most fun animal on the planet. But the hard truth is that, well, not everyone feels that way. Plenty of people out there are afraid of dogs, are allergic, or just don’t appreciate a strange animal jumping on them. Plenty of people with dogs don’t appreciate a strange dog coming up to their beloved pooches. What may be cute to you is annoying and rude, or even scary, to someone else. If your dog has a tendency to jump on strangers, training and a leash can go a long way to prevent that.

3. You Won’t Take Your Cat to the Vet.
Most cats, and dogs, too, aren’t exactly excited to go to the veterinarian. But are humans gung-ho about visiting the doctor? Yes, it can be very, very traumatic on your cat to go to the vet. But not going to the vet has its consequences, too — would you rather your cat get very sick from a preventable problem? If your cat (or you) really can’t handle it, there are many vets that make house calls, though you’ll end up paying more for it.

4. You Feed Your Pet Too Much.
It’s so hard to say no to such a cute face! So many pet owners are guilty of over-feeding their beloved pet. Knock off the table scrap feeding, the extra serving of food, and the special treats just-because. You might be giving your pet a little instant gratification, but this can have serious repercussions  for your pet’s long-term health. Can’t resist the table scraps? Make sure you’re very clear on whether or not a “people food” is okay for your pet to eat. Many foods, even foods that are healthy for humans, can be deadly for cats and/or dogs.

5. You Treat Your Pet Like a Doll.
Your dog is not a fashion accessory, a baby, or a doll — so don’t treat it like one! As much as you want to pamper your pet, Fifi is an animal, and no amount of fancy sweaters, shoes, or pet strollers is ever going to turn your pet into something it isn’t. As long as you get the seal of approval from your vet, let your dog out to play. Let her feet touch the ground. Let her walk on her own. Let her be a dog! Unless your dog is small, old, or sick, or the weather is particularly cold, your dog will do fine without a sweater.

6. You Didn’t Let Your Lifestyle Dictate What Breed You Should Get. Is your border collie miserable in your tiny apartment? Your bulldog not keeping up with your active lifestyle? Your dalmatian snapping at your young children? There is often a good reason for that: you just didn’t choose the right breed of dog for your lifestyle. Choosing the right pet for you is about more than just which breed is the cutest, the softest, or the smallest. If you find yourself with a mismatched pooch, don’t force it to fit into your lifestyle — adapt to fit hers. After all, you chose to bring your pet into your family, and she’s your responsibility. If you and your pet are really mismatched, perhaps it’s because you haven’t taken the proper steps to train her. Start with that.

7. You’re Misusing Crates.
It can be sad to see your beloved pet in a crate — it can seem like doggy jail. But with proper training, your pooch can learn to think of his crate as a safe, comfortable place. And, if your dog tags along in the car, it’s much safer for him to be in the crate than it is to be loose in the car. Humans wear seat belts — dogs need protection, too! Puppies in particular really benefit from the crate, because it helps to reinforce all of the training you’re working on. Crate training, of course, is a decision best left to you and your veterinarian, but don’t be put off from it solely because of your emotions. At the same time, though, don’t overuse the crate. As a general rule, keep puppy crate time limited to 3-4 hours, and for adult dogs, 8 hours.

12 Tips To Prevent Bloating

Nobody likes to feel bloated! Unfortunately, most women are familiar with the unpleasant feeling of having a distended belly. It often seems to strike at inopportune times, like when you need to get dressed for a dinner or when you're about to enjoy a night on the town with your girlfriends.
Bloating usually occurs as a result of too much fermentation in the digestive tract. Some common triggers include: stress, a food sensitivity, a lack of enzymes, uncoordinated peristalsis, or eating too much fiber.
Your best bet is best to prevent bloating, instead of trying to address the issue when it's already there. This is a lot easier and will save you the trouble of experiencing discomfort. Here's how to beat the bloat:

1. Eat only when truly hungry.
Try to avoid emotional eating and overeating.
2. Allow your previous meal to digest before eating the next meal.
Wait at least three hours between meals.
3. Chew well and don’t talk while chewing.
If you're eating with others, put down your folk between bites and let the flavor and the experience of food be your only focus. Don't eat and speak at the same time. Better yet, meet friends for walks or for a tea and keep social eating to minimum until your gut is healthy and strong.
4. Be careful with your fiber.
Coarse or poorly chewed fiber will delay passage through the digestive system and slow the rate at which the food is digested and absorbed. So if you don’t chew a slice of bread or a piece of potato properly, you're leaving a lot more work for your stomach and it will take longer.
5. Eat easy-to-digest meals when you're in a rush, stressed, or anxious.
Focus on soups and warm mono-meals such as kitchari and sautéed vegetables.
6. Eat fruit at least 30 minutes before meals.
Don’t eat fruits after a meal. This habit is gas-forming and leads to bloating.
7. Get hip to ginger.
Try chewing on a slice of ginger with lime juice 20 minutes before a meal.
8. Use digestion-stimulating spices when making your food.
Try black pepper, ginger, cumin, coriander, cardamon, or fennel.
9. Don’t drink anything cold while eating.
Ideally, you'll limit cold foods as well. Fruits should be room temperature (not straight from the fridge). If you can’t live without your ice cream, have some ginger tea afterward.
10. Avoid drinking 30 minutes after the meal.
It will dilute digestive juices and make it harder to digest food.
11. Reduce salt.
The easiest way? Start cooking your own meals. Restaurant meals are often overly salty.
12. Eliminate caffeine and alcohol.
This is particularly important if you have a leaky gut or inflammation.

If you feel bloated, try these remedies: 
1. Chew on fennel seeds or sip a hot fennel and ginger tea.
Prepare fennel tea by crushing one teaspoon of fennel seeds and adding it to one cup of water in a pot. Bring the water to a boil, cover and steep for 10 to 15 minutes. Cool and strain.
A traditional dose of fennel tea is about two to three cups daily. If you're at a restaurant or don’t have fennel seeds, opt for a mint tea. It's also soothing to the digestive tract. Another tip: carry tea bags in your purse so you'll always have the kind you like handy.

2. Go for a brisk walk.
Aim for 30 minutes of walking. I also like to add a few jumping jacks or twists. This helps to increase blood circulation and to release gas.

3. Stretch.
You want to do poses that create extension and contraction of the abdomen such as cat/cow, child’s pose, or seated twists.

4. Get warm.
Apply a warm compress on the lower part of the stomach or take a warm bath to improve circulation and counteract muscle contraction that might be causing bloating.


Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Potential Warning Signs of Cancer that People Too Often Ignore

Health experts emphasize the importance of paying attention to warning signs and symptoms that could indicate undiagnosed cancer. If cancer is the cause, early detection by doctors greatly improves the chances of successfully treating the condition.
Though the signs and symptoms described below do not necessarily indicate cancer, do not ignore them. If you experience any of these symptoms, analyze your symptoms and get an appointment with a doctor soon.
There are more than 200 types of cancer. The most common types include lung, prostate, breast, ovarian, bladder, colorectal, kidney (renal), pancreatic, and endometrial cancers as well as melanoma and leukemia.

Here are some warning signs of cancer that you need to be aware of and address appropriately if you experience them.

1. Unexplained weight loss

Unexplained weight loss is often one of the first noticeable signs of cancer. It is particularly common in people suffering from solid tumor cancers like breast and lung cancer.
Weight loss often occurs when a cancer spreads to the liver and impairs its functioning, especially related to regulating appetite and removing toxins. Weight loss can also be an early sign of colon or other digestive cancers.
Unexplained weight loss is so common that:
  • as many as 40 percent of cancer patients report unexplained weight loss at the time of diagnosis, and
  • unexplained weight loss and cachexia (general ‘wasting’) are experienced in up to 80 percent of cases of advanced cancer.
If you have not been trying to drop some pounds by exercising and watching your diet but you are losing weight anyways, consult a healthcare provider. Losing 10 pounds a month or up to 10 percent of your weight in a span of six months can be cause for concern.

2. Frequent fevers or infections

Though a fever may simply indicate that your body is fighting an infection, a persistent or prolonged fever can be a sign of a cancerous condition, such as lymphoma. Leukemia, a cancer of the blood cells, can also cause symptoms like frequent infections, fevers, fatigue, aches, and other flu-like symptoms.

3. Weakness and fatigue

Weakness and fatigue that does not diminish, even when you get more sleep and rest, should be evaluated by a doctor. It can be a sign of a variety of cancers, so you and your doctor will need to consider other symptoms as well.

4. Wheezing or shortness of breath

Though wheezing and shortness of breath can be caused by a variety of conditions, these symptoms can be associated with lung cancer too. When a tumor in a lung presses against and narrows an airway, it may lead to wheezing – a whistling sound that occurs during exhalation due to constricted airways.

5. Chronic cough and chest pain

At times, symptoms of cancers like leukemia and lung tumors can mimic a bad cough or bronchitis. The problem may persist or come-and-go in repeating cycles. There may also be chest pain extending into the shoulder or down the arm. Consult a doctor if you experience any of these symptoms.
Also, get yourself checked by a doctor if you have a cough and hoarse voice for more than six weeks, especially if you smoke or have smoked in the past. Occasionally, a hoarse voice may be a symptom of laryngeal, thyroid, esophageal, or lung cancer.

6. Bloating

Unexplained abdominal bloating continuing on-and-off over a long period of time may be sign of ovarian cancer. Bloating accompanied by pelvic pain, swelling in the abdomen, and feeling full may be another tip-off to this condition. Similarly, pain or bloating in the stomach after eating can be a sign of stomach cancer.

7. Chronic heartburn

Heartburn is usually a symptom of acid reflux disease, but if it is persistent, it may be associated with Barrett’s esophagus or esophageal cancer.
A study published in the journal Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology in May 2012 found that inflammation of the tissue lining in the esophagus caused by chronic heartburn may increase the risk of esophageal cancer.
Moreover, a study by researchers at Rhode Island Hospital discovered a pathway linking Barrett’s esophagus to the development of esophageal cancer. The research was published in the American Journal of Cell Physiology in 2013.

8. Bowel problems

If you notice a change in your bowel habits that lasts four weeks or longer for no obvious reason, consult your doctor as it may be a sign of bowel cancer, especially in older adults.

9. Difficulty swallowing

Trouble swallowing, or the feeling that food is stuck in the throat or chest, that gets worse with time can be a symptom of esophageal or throat cancer. Symptoms of these cancers also include pain or a burning sensation when swallowing food.
Esophageal cancer typically does not cause symptoms initially, so do not ignore these symptoms if they occur. Similarly, difficulty swallowing can be one of the first signs of lung cancer.

10. Jaundice

Jaundice is characterized by yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes. Though it is mostly considered a symptom of liver or gallbladder disease, it can also be caused by pancreatic cancer interfering with the bile duct and liver.
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11. Unusual swelling or lumps in the body

Unusual lumps on the breasts, testicles, groin, neck, abdomen, underarms, or other parts of the body should be thoroughly checked by a doctor, especially if they last for three weeks or more.
At times, an enlarged lymph node or lump under the arm can be a sign of breast cancer. Red, sore, swollen breasts may indicate inflammatory breast cancer.

12. New or changing skin spots or moles

Changes on your skin rarely cause pain and often pose little or no health concerns, but experts recommend screening for cancer when you see:
  • new growths, spots, or sores on the skin that won’t heal, or
  • changes in symmetry, border, color or diameter of an existing mole.

13. Changes in nails

Unusual changes in fingernails can indicate several types of cancers, such as skin, liver, or lung cancer. While each of the following changes can occur for many reasons, they could be warning signs of cancer.
  • Black or brown spots under your nails may indicate skin cancer.
  • Clubbing of the fingers or toes (enlarged ends of the nails) may be associated with lung cancer. Diseases that reduce the amount of oxygen in the blood cause this problem.
  • Pale or white nails may indicate poor liver functioning, which may be due to various diseases including liver cancer.

14. Pelvic or abdominal pain

Pelvic or lower abdominal pain, accompanied by pelvic heaviness, may be a symptom of ovarian cancer. It may also cause changes in bathroom habits. Generally, women are more at risk of developing ovarian cancer if they:
  • have never been pregnant,
  • have a family history of ovarian, breast, or colorectal cancer, or
  • have been diagnosed with breast, colon, rectum or uterine cancer.
Plus, pain in the pelvic area may be a sign of uterine cancer or leukemia (when pain is due to an enlarged spleen).

15. Unexplained pain lasting more than four weeks

Though aches and pains tend to be vague, if you experience persistent unexplained pain or if it comes-and-goes over a period of four weeks or more, then it is better to get the problem checked by a doctor. Pain is often an early symptom of bone or testicular cancer.

16. Abnormal bleeding

Blood in your urine, though sometimes a symptom of a urinary tract infection, can be caused by bladder or kidney cancer. Similarly, blood in stools, though a common sight among those who have hemorrhoids, can be a symptom of bowel cancer.
Bleeding between periods or after menopause may indicate endometrial or uterine cancer. In rare cases, vaginal bleeding may be due to vaginal cancer. Bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract may be a sign of colorectal cancer.
Vomiting blood and coughing up blood may be signs of stomach or esophageal cancer and lung cancer, respectively. Excessive bruising and bleeding that does not stop could be signs of leukemia. While abnormal bleeding can be caused by other illnesses too, it still needs to be evaluated by a doctor.
So, apart from getting your recommended health check-ups and cancer screenings, be sure to keep an eye on the symptoms mentioned above. Try to adopt the “better safe than sorry” approach and get these symptoms checked out by a doctor, particularly if you do not have health issues that would otherwise cause such symptoms.


Top 10 Superfoods to Boost Immunity

It is absolutely vital to have a good, strong immune system to stay healthy. The immune system is the body’s defense mechanism to fight off illnesses and infections.
Nutritional deficiencies as well as lack of physical exercise and too much stress can impair immune functions and compromise immunity, increasing both the risk and severity of infection. Remember that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
The foods you eat have a great impact on your immune system which is a complex network of cells and organs. Feeding your body certain foods packed with nutrients and disease-fighting properties will help keep your immune system running strong.

Here are the top 10 superfoods to boost immunity.

1. Garlic

Garlic is one of best immune-boosting foods. It contains powerful antibiotic, antiviral, and antifungal properties that help the body ward off and fight infections.
Regular consumption of garlic helps your body fight infections and inflammatory diseases like the common cold, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, and multiple sclerosis.
Plus, it can help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and aid in preventing various types of cancer. To stay healthy, eat one or two raw garlic cloves daily.

2. Honey

Daily consumption of honey has been found to strengthen the immune system. Its antioxidant, antimicrobial and antibacterial properties help fight infections from viruses, bacteria, and fungi.
Honey also can improve your digestive system, treat acid reflux, soothe a sore throat, treat a nasty cough, improve blood sugar control and insulin sensitivity, and heal wounds and scars quickly.
Start each day with one teaspoon of honey along with a glass of lukewarm water to enjoy its numerous health benefits.
Note: Honey should never be given to children under age 1.

3. Ginger

This pungent herb has been used for ages to boost the immune system and treat many health problems. Apart from being a strong antioxidant, ginger has antimicrobial, antiseptic, antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties.
This herb helps eliminate congestion, ease throat pain, kill cold viruses, combat fever, inhibit pancreatic cancer cell growth, inhibit growth of peptic ulcer disease, promote gastric mobility, decrease chronic pain and lower high cholesterol. Drink one to two cups of ginger tea daily to keep your immune system functioning properly.

4. Green Tea

Green tea is the best drink known to boost the immune system. It introduces a type of flavonoid called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) into the body that helps fight bacteria and prevent viruses from multiplying.
It also has many powerful antioxidants that help protect against viruses, bacteria and other micro-organisms that can cause health problems.
Regular consumption of green tea also will help prevent cardiovascular disease, cancer, stroke, periodontal disease, and osteoporosis. Enjoy a soothing cup of green tea several times a day. Do not add milk, as it will make the tea less effective for this purpose.

5. Yogurt

To boost your immune system, include yogurt with active cultures in your diet. The strains of ‘good’ bacteria such as Bifidobacterium lactis in yogurt boost the activity of immune system cells to destroy viruses and ‘bad’ bacteria. The friendly bacteria also help the body absorb many essential nutrients.
Eating yogurt on daily basis can reduce the incidence of intestinal infections, fight different types of viral infections, improve digestion, reduce the length of the common cold, and treat dysentery and various types of diarrhea. For maximum benefits, buy yogurt that has “live and active cultures” printed on the label.

6. Oranges

Oranges are rich in vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that helps boost your immune system. Vitamin C promotes the production of white blood cells, which are key to fighting infections.
Oranges are also a good source of vitamin A, vitamin B9 or folate, and copper that are important for immune functions. Also, they help lower both cholesterol and blood pressure levels. To improve your immune system, drink a glass of fresh orange juice in the morning and one glass later in the day.

7. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes also are an excellent immunity-boosting food. They are full of the antioxidant beta-carotene, which protects against damaging free radicals and improves immune cell function. Plus, they have a high amount of vitamin A, which is required for the normal functioning of the immune system and helps develop resistance to infection.
Sweet potatoes also help regulate blood sugar and lower insulin resistance; combat inflammatory problems like asthma, arthritis, and gout; relieve constipation and prevent colon cancer; protect against emphysema; and prevent strokes and heart attacks. Eat one-half cup of boiled sweet potatoes daily to improve your immune system and stay healthy.

8. Chicken Soup

A bowl of homemade chicken soup can boost your immune system and increase your chances of beating a viral infection quickly. Chicken soup provides a strong dose of protein, an important nutrient for immune system maintenance.
Plus, it contains B vitamins, calcium, magnesium and zinc, all of which strengthen your immune system. Chicken soup also helps you stay hydrated, which can speed up the healing process if you do get sick. Have chicken soup several times a day when dealing with symptoms of a cold, including a runny nose, nasal congestion and cough.

9. Cayenne Pepper

The compound capsaicin present in cayenne pepper can help boost your immune system. Cayenne pepper also has high beta-carotene or pro-vitamin A content, which is essential for a healthy immune system. It helps defend the body against invading pathogens to prevent illness.
Cayenne pepper helps flush out toxins, stimulate digestion, clear congestion, and reduce symptoms of colds and other infections.

10. Mushrooms

Mushrooms have high antioxidant content and are rich in the essential minerals selenium and copper that are important for the immune system. Research has shown that an increase in selenium intake can help improve the immune function.
Mushrooms also nourish and protect the heart and liver and have the ability to help prevent breast and prostate cancer. They are also known to reduce the risk of high blood pressure, diabetes and stroke. To boost your immune system, opt for shiitake, reishi or maitake mushrooms.
Adding these superfoods to your diet will boost your immune system and help you remain healthy and free of disease.


Sunday, 26 January 2014

Are Pets Killing the Environment?

What has four paws, loves belly rubs, and is poisoning our planet? Some research points the finger at our fluffy friends—and urges us to be considerate of their carbon pawprints.
Mother Jones recently reported on the book Time to Eat the Dog? The Real Guide to Sustainable Living, explores what sustainability really means across all of our lifestyle decisions… including our pets.

So what harm are Mr. Whisker Mittens and Fluffy McKissyNose doing? The book’s authors found that:
  • Dogs are the biggest offenders—a medium-sized pup is worse for the planet than a gas-guzzling car, with twice the impact of driving a luxury SUV 10,000 miles.
  • While unscooped poop contaminates waterways, those of us who do scoop usually use bags that aren’t biodegradable.
  • Cats aren’t off the hook either—two million tons of cat litter gets sent to landfill each year, and most of it isn’t biodegradable.
  • Outdoor cat? It can have an impact on the local wildlife, as anyone who’s received a mouse “gift” from their well-meaning friend knows.
  • Nosh time is rough, too. Pet food has an environmental cost when it comes to packaging, shipping, and distribution.
  • Sick pet? Medications and flea and tick treatments add toxic chemicals to the environment.
Of course, even the most eco-conscious pet owner would probably argue that the benefits of having a pet outweighs the impact it has on the earth—they’re important parts of our lives and families. If you’re set on lowering our pet’s carbon pawprint, though, Mother Jones offers some suggestions:
  • Make your own pet food using locally grown, organic products.
  • Make your own litter with something like discarded wood shavings (and hope your cat doesn’t retaliate by peeing in your bed).
  • Buy natural and organic pet care products.

7 Winter Vegetables that Boost Your Health

We rarely think of vegetables in the winter but it is important to eat your veggies this time of year to keep your immune system strong.

Beets—Beets are one of the most overlooked superfoods.  They lower blood pressure, increase exercise endurance, and reduce inflammation.  They contain potent phytonutrients called proanthocyanidins which give beets their brilliant purple color.  Proanthocyanidins are proven anti-cancer compounds.  They are packed in nutrients like folate which is important to prevent birth defects, potassium which is critical for healthy muscles and nerves, manganese which helps build strong bones, and vitamin C for a strong immune system.

Carrots—Just one carrot contains 13,500 IU of beta carotene which translates into a tremendous amount of nutritional power against free radicals.  Beta carotene is anti-cancerous, prevents cellular damage and premature aging, and is important to prevent cataracts.

Ginger—Ginger is one of the best natural anti-pain remedies.  Technically it is a spice but it is ideal for winter since it reduces joint pain that plagues so many people with arthritis this time of year.  It also adds warmth to foods and beverages making freshly minced garlic a welcome addition to most soups, stews, and curries.

Rutabaga—Contrary to popular belief, rutabagas are not turnips.  The most common rutabagas are larger than turnips, have purple and cream-colored skins, and tend to have a cream to yellow-colored flesh.  It is high in anti-cancer compounds, immune-boosting vitamin C, fiber, and vitamin B6 which is needed for a healthy nervous system. They are great in soups, stews, curries, and other places you’d use hardy winter veggies.  I love them cut into small cubes, tossed with a bit of olive oil and sea salt and roasted in the oven on 350 for about an hour.

Squash—Squash is rich in beta-carotene, the nutrient that gives squash its brilliant orange-colored flesh.  Enjoy it cut in half, seeded, and roasted.  Add roasted squash to soups, salads, stews, or in wraps and on sandwiches.  Use grated, raw squash in muffin recipes, in place of zucchini in zucchini bread recipes, or in other baked goods to increase their nutritional value.

Sweet Potatoes—Like squash, sweet potatoes are also high in beta carotene.   They also contain vitamins C, B6, and minerals like blood-building iron, energy-boosting potassium, and Nature’s relaxant, magnesium.  Enjoy them chopped into French fry-shapes, tossed in a little olive oil and sea salt and baked in the oven for about 45 minutes on 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

Turnips—Turnips are a good source of fiber which helps to keep blood sugar levels steady and stabilize energy and moods.  They are also a rich source of glucosinolates—the precursors of isothiocyanates that are proven anti-cancer powerhouses.

Why Everyone Should Try Sprouting Chia Seeds

I have to admit, I was a little bummed at Christmas when at my family’s gift exchange, I was the recipient of a Chia Pet. Everyone else got stuff they could use or gifts that were fun, but what was I going to do with a chia pet?
I soon realized that out of everyone in my family, I was actually the best one to get the Chia Pet. I had been eating chia seeds for years, but had never tried sprouting them. I knew right then that I was going to eat my chia pet!
What a great and fun way to grow microgreens! I soaked the chia seeds like the directions indicated, and carefully spread them around my pet's face to grow his microgreen beard. It took several days on my countertop before I started to see the sprouts forming. (I think if I had a little more light, things would have been faster.) However, it wasn’t long ... just 4-5 days and I had microgreens (of course not quite as full as the photo on the box showed)!
I invited a friend over for lunch, and we ate my Chia Pet's beard. We scooped off the microgreens and added them to our guacamole. Yum! You could also add these small microgreens to your salad, atop your sandwich, in your smoothie, or anywhere you need an extra boost of nutrients. They’re so tiny and tender, you hardly even know there are there, but they pack a powerful nutritional punch.
USDA researchers recently published a study on microgreens and reported that they possess significantly higher nutrient densities than mature leaves. In fact, microgreens can have 4-6 times the nutrients than the mature leaves of the same plant!
Chia seeds actually got their name from the Mayan word for “strength,” and for good reason! Chia seeds are extremely healthy, which is why they're known as a superfood! Here are just some of the benefits of chia seeds:
  • They have maximum nutrients with minimal calories.
  • They contain high levels of ALA omega-3 fatty acids (higher than flaxseeds and even salmon).
  • They're a good source of fiber and antioxidants (which neutralize free radicals).
  • They're high in calcium
  • They're high in manganese (good for bones and helps our body use other essential nutrients).
  • Have plenty of phosphorus to maintain healthy bones and teeth.
  • They are a great protein source.
Once sprouted, you also get the added benefit of chlorophyll (the source of the “green” of the leaf). Chlorophyll is a powerful blood cleanser and blood builder. It replenishes and increases our red blood cell count and increases the ability of red blood cells to carry oxygen and deliver us increased levels of oxygen.
If you to purchased already sprouted microgreens, they're expensive and can go for $30 a pound. However, when grown at home with the help of your chia pet, they cost significantly less!
So don’t throw away that unwanted Chia Pet; or go purchase one on the cheap, since we are post-holiday, and you’ll be adding healthy microgreens to your diet in no time while having fun doing it! Invite some friends over for dinner and have your Chia Pet as a centerpiece. Show your guests how to use the microgreens, and your centerpiece will be something they won’t soon forget!

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Wednesday, 22 January 2014

5 Foods Your Dentist Wants You To Eat

It’s certainly important to be aware of foods that should be avoided because of the damage they have on teeth, but why not focus on delicious and nutritious options that can help? Adding some beneficial foods to your dental care routine can boost your oral health and help you maintain that beautiful smile.
You’re probably used to dentists and doctors always telling you what foods to avoid in order to improve your health – the key word is always “don’t.”
This time, however, I’m happy to be the bearer of good news. There are several great foods that you should be eating to improve oral health.

Just in case you needed another reason to enjoy cheese, I’m here to give you one. This study gives us a few reasons this delicious dairy does a mouth good. First, just like milk and other dairy-rich foods, cheese is high in calcium and low in acid. Calcium fortifies teeth (and bones), prevents decay and may even let you keep your pearly whites longer in old age.

Cheese also contains a protein called casein, which is great at stopping bacteria from attaching to teeth. That means that cheese (and milk) can actually help prevent cavities. So, at the next dinner party where you’re parked at the cheese plate, just explain that it’s for your oral health. 

An apple a day might, in fact, help keep the dentist away. Crunchy, high-fiber fruits and veggies, like apples and celery for example, are great for teeth. They require some pretty decent effort to chew and break down, resulting in saliva production, which helps neutralize harmful acids in the mouth.

Additionally, as the food is broken down, it cleans your teeth. The fibrous pieces are natural scrubbers that get rid of some of the bacteria in your mouth as you chew. Fiber-rich foods are also beneficial for digestion and your heart, so you really can’t go wrong.
Sesame Oil
Sesame oil has long been hailed for its health and healing properties. When it comes to oral care, studies show that this oil is highly effective at reducing plaque, and thus, gingivitis. Because it has a fairly strong flavor, it may not be appropriate for all of your cooking needs, but it’s a perfect option for those healthy stir-fries and Asian dishes.

You can even use straight sesame oil in place of a plaque-fighting mouthwash. Oil pulling is an Eastern medicine method that involves gargling with sesame oil. Scientific studies have shown that swishing around a tablespoon of the stuff can reduce bacteria and even prevent more from forming on teeth. It may not taste as good as your minty mouthwash, but it is a great natural alternative.
While you’ll never hear a good dentist condoning soda, we realize that many people do enjoy the occasional fizzy drink. If you must have one, try eating some broccoli beforehand. A pre-soda broccoli appetizer might sound strange, but a European study showed that the iron in the vegetable actually creates a natural acid barrier over teeth. This coating helps prevent the acid in sodas from attaching to teeth and causing cavities. While this doesn’t give you a free license to chug soda, it can be used to help offset the harmful effects of sugary, acidic beverages.
Sugar-free gum
Just like fibrous foods, gum increases saliva, which is your body’s natural defense against the build-up of oral bacteria. Most sugarless chewing gums also contain a natural sweetening ingredient called Xylitol, which actually helps reduce the bacteria that results in tooth decay. However, it may be best to stick to mint-flavored gums because of the acid that other artificial flavorings can contain.

3 Reasons I'm Proud To Be Imperfect

I'm currently competing on ABC's The Taste as a happy, healthy living guru. Whenever you put yourself out there in a big way, like on national TV, you're certainly making yourself a target for judgment. So I guess I should have been more prepared for the remarks from vegans all over the Twitterverse when it was not clearly explained that although I LOVE baking and cooking vegan treats, I'm not a hard-core vegan.

When my French chef mentor, Ludo Lefebvre, pressured me to eat chicken, I cracked, and my attackers were ready to call me every name in the book. However, if I could go back and do it all over again, I wouldn’t change a thing! I’m not perfect; I’m REAL, and I want to inspire real people, people who might not be ready to go raw or be strict vegans.
I want people to know that you don’t have to be perfect! You can make small healthy changes and be compassionate with yourself at every stage of the process. I aim to show people that being healthy and happy is attainable for EVERYONE, because I’m not perfect, and I’m OK with that!
So here are three reasons I’m proud that I'm not perfect, and I hope you are too!

1. Perfect can be prison.
We are all free beings with different wants and needs that can change at any moment. Why put ourselves under the intense pressure and restrictiveness of a confining label? I eat plant based 80% of the time. I absolutely love making and enjoying vegan baked goods, and I frequently go to vegan restaurants. However, by not labeling myself, I’m able to feel flexibility in my diet and have compassion for my cravings. It makes my overall healthy eating a choice, not a life sentence. It also makes any sort diet more approachable and realistic.

2. Mistakes are totally OK.

Ever tried a low-carb diet and accidentally gorged yourself on bagels, cookies, cake and more because you had one little pretzel and figured you blew it? C’mon. Too many of us have been there! I always tell my coaching clients that they need to FORGIVE themselves. It’s not the end of the world if you want a cupcake. Life happens, and you shouldn’t feel guilty. I don’t even like calling it a “mistake;” you just veered slightly off your healthy course for a moment, and if you're totally loving to yourself in those moments, it’s so much easier to get right back on track.

3. Life was meant to be lived.
Whether it’s trying the best restaurant in town when you’re traveling, or skipping the gym because your boyfriend made you breakfast in bed, embrace life’s imperfections! It would be so boring if you always did everything perfectly, if you never allowed any room for improvisation. Cut yourself some slack! Be in the present and enjoy that moment, whatever it brings! There will be plenty of days when you can get the salad and make spin class — if adventure and experience calls, don’t be too busy drudging through your cardio workout to answer.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying abandon all your wonderful healthy habits, I just want you to know that it’s OK if you’re not perfect. Be kind to yourself, don’t let negative self-talk sabotage all the great healthy things you do for yourself on a regular basis, and don’t let anyone make you wrong for doing your personal best. We’re all at different stages of our journey, and the important part is that we're on the same path toward optimum health and happiness. We need to support each other along the way.

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