Friday, 29 November 2013

Super Simple Tips For A Post-Thanksgiving Detox

The human body is pretty good at ridding itself of toxins through an intricate system of detoxification and elimination. Still, so much of our health is undermined by excess, and excess that can’t be eliminated has the potential to gunk up the works over time.
Maybe you’ve been striving to live a more balanced life or you’re just starting to put the pieces together. But with the holiday season coming down the pipe, you may be wondering how you’re going to get through the temptations at the buffet table, the office holiday party or late nights wrapping up a year of work. You might be thinking that you’ll just put your health on hold for a few weeks and start the New Year with a resolution or 10.
You may not need to! These five habits will help you through the holidays and every day for years to come.

1. Hydrate.
Life is dehydrating! Drinking 6-8 glasses of filtered water not only replenishes our cells, but might just keep your cocktail count in check.

2. Get good sleep.
A sleep schedule that’s consistent can help you keep your wits about you when you’re face-to-face with a delectable Thanksgiving spread.

3. Breathe deeply.
A deep breath keeps you grounded and mindful before you reach for another hunk of Christmas Stollen or Hanukkah gelt.

4. Eat.
Starving yourself by missing meals makes you hungrier (and moodier!) just when you may need your willpower the most. Fill up on fiber-rich foods, eat some good fat and don’t forget the protein.

5. Move.
You don’t have to run a race every week; a 15 minute walk after a meal keeps digestion and elimination on track.

7 Things That Are Hurting Your Brain & Mood

In my last article, 6 Science-Based Tips For A Healthy & Happy Brain, I gave natural ways to promote optimal mental health. In this article, I want to give you biggest negative life factors to get rid of to achieve the healthiest brain possible. These eight culprits from all areas of life will have a negative impact on your mood, and eliminating them will be another piece in the multifaceted puzzle of feeling your best:

1. Sugar
Refined sugar and its many synonyms are ubiquitous on ingredient lists. For a healthy brain, the first thing you should dump is sugar. There are at least two potential mechanisms through which refined sugar intake could exert a toxic effect on your mental health. First, sugar actually suppresses activity of a key growth hormone in the brain called BDNF. BDNF levels are low in people with depression. Second, eating sugar-containing foods will trigger a myriad of chemical reactions in your body that will upregulate chronic systemic inflammation. Over time, inflammation will disrupt the normal functioning of your immune system, and wreak havoc on your brain.

2. Grains
There are many ways in which eating grains will affect your brain. Just like refined sugar, grains can cause inflammation in your body that will affect your brain. Grain proteins like gluten and lectins are also well linked in the literature with having a negative impact on your gut, which in turn affects your brain.

3. Artificial sweeteners
Those little yellow, blue and pink bags are wreaking havoc on your mood. In a double-blind study of the effects of aspartame on people with mood disorders, findings showed a large increase in serious symptoms for those taking aspartame. Fifty percent of aspartame is the isolated amino acid phenylalanine, which is neurotoxic and goes directly into the brain, depleting your serotonin levels. When you lower serotonin, it can trigger a variety of different mood disorders.

4. MSG
Monosodium glutamate or MSG is a processed flavor enhancer that is commonly added to many convenience food, soups, processed meats, Asian foods, and frozen dinners. MSG is an excitotoxin which can affect your brain chemistry and your body's endocrine (hormone) system. Sometimes it's difficult to spot a food containing MSG because it hides in food ingredient labels behind many different names, including glutamic acid, glutamate, autolyzed yeast protein, textured protein, natural flavors and hydrolyzed corn.

5. Toxic household products
There is no doubt that we are inundated with toxic chemicals in our world. As far as environmental toxins, there are some things that are out of our immediate control. With that said, here are many things that we can control what we are exposed to. Chemicals that are used in common household cleaning products have been linked to altered brain function. The majority of beauty products used today are filled with chemicals that will literally interfere with your body's hormones, affecting how you feel and think. These ingredients in beauty products are anything but pretty. The Environmental Working Group found that one in eight of the 82,000 ingredients used in personal care products are industrial chemicals, many of them linked to hormone and mood disorders. Remember, your skin is your largest organ and highly absorptive. If you can't eat it, don't put it on your skin.

6. Heavy metals
Chronic heavy metal toxicity is overlooked as a factor for brain problems. There are two types of heavy metal poisoning: acute and chronic. Chronic heavy metal levels of mercury or lead can be an insidious issue for chronic conditions like depression, anxiety, chronic fatigue and brain fog, and can be linked to almost any mood or brain disorder. One reason why chronic heavy metal toxicity goes undiagnosed is because unlike acute poisoning, which is circulating in your blood, chronic metal toxicity has leached in your bodies tissues like your bones, fat, and brain. Because of this, a blood test might come back normal. Proper diagnostic testing is essential for this issue. Pulling the metals from the body using chelating agents and measuring those levels using a Urine Heavy Metals test is how I uncover this piece of the puzzle for my patients.

7. Chronic gut infections 
To have a healthy brain you need to have a healthy gut. I've written extensively about a healthy gut in my MindBodyGreen series. Your gut is your second brain, with around 95 percent of your serotonin residing there. Underlying infections of yeast, fungus or bacteria will wreak havoc on your gut and brain. Many mood and brain disorders are linked to an unhealthy gut.
Everybody has a unique combination of factors that are causing them to feel the way they feel. A comprehensive health history, labs and customized health program should be designed for the individual.

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Top Foods To Increase Libido Or Sexual Desire

One of the most common problems faced by both men and women in today’s world is the reduction in sexual urge and desire or low libido. Sexual desire is an interest that develops in men or women to engage in sexual activities or create an interest in sexual objects. It can be triggered by both internal as well as external cues. If you are also feeling the decrease in the sex drive than before, then you might be facing some medical condition. There are many foods that will help in driving your sexual desire and increasing your libido. But, if these natural foods fail, then you need to consult a doctor.

Common Causes And Symptoms Of Low Libido

  1.  Job stress and peer pressure
  2. Interpersonal relationship problems
  3. Unresolved issues
  4. Excess Alcohol
  5. Lack of sleep
  6. Parenting
  7. Obesity
  8. Depression
  9. Thyroid disorders and fibroids
  10. Certain medications
  11. Erectile Dysfunction
  12. Menopause
  13. Lack of intimacy
  14. Age
  15. Low testosterone

Foods To Increase Sexual Drive

There many foods that can help you to naturally increase your sexual appetite and spice up your sex life. The following are the foods that will help in safely and naturally help in increasing your libido.

1. Chocolates

Pure chocolates made from unadulterated raw cocoa is a super food. It contains more antioxidants than green tea or red wine. A chemical known as phenylethlamine is present in the chocolates that will help in creating a sense of excitement in you.
• Eating chocolates everyday will help you in increasing your sexual drive.

2. Oysters

Oysters help in boosting dopamine, a well being and feel good hormone that will help in boosting libido in both men and women. It is an important food for men who love to increase their sexual drive.
• Try to include oysters in your diet at least two times a week.
• It will help in improving the production of testosterone as it is rich in zinc.
• It will also help in boosting the production of healthy and active sperms.

3. Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are rich in essential vitamins and also very rich in zinc.
• The zinc in pumpkin seeds helps in boosting production of sperms in men and will also help in correcting testosterone deficiency in men.
• They are loaded with Vitamins B, E, D, C and K that will help in boosting libido.

4. Raw Garlic

Eating raw garlic every day will help in boosting your sexual drive. There is no need to worry that it might turn your partner away, but it will help in improving your performance in bed manifold.
• The heat in the garlic is the main thing that will help in increasing your sexual drive.
• It contains allicin that helps in improving blood flow to the sexual organs.
• Take it every day for a month to see visible results.

5. Bananas

Bananas are rich in potassium and Vitamin B. It will help in increasing the libido in men as it contains bromelain enzyme.
• Take one or two ripe bananas everyday to increase your sexual desire and to boost testosterone levels.

6. Avocados

They are an excellent source of folic acid. They will help in providing energy to the body and will also aid in easy protein metabolism.
• Avocados help in increasing libido in men and women.
• The Vitamin B6 helps in boosting production of male hormones.
• The potassium in avocado helps in increasing female libido and also regulating the thyroid glands in women.

7. Blueberries

Blueberries are found to be a natural food that will help in driving the sexual pleasure in men to greater heights.
• They are rich in antioxidants that will help in relaxing the blood vessels and thereby improve the circulation of the blood to al parts of the body including the sexual organs.
• Men will enjoy stronger erections on consumption of blueberries regularly.
• It will also boost dopamine levels and will help in boosting the production of feel good hormones.
[ Don't Miss: 10 Surprising Foods That Kill Your Sex Life ]

8. Peanuts

Peanuts are rich source of L-arginine and will help in especially increasing libidos in men.
• The L-arginine in peanuts has been proven to also improve the erectile dysfunction in men.
• The amino acids in peanuts help in relaxing the blood vessels and thereby improve blood circulation.

9. Watermelons

• Watermelon is regarded to be a natural Viagra with no side effects.
• They produce L-citrulline, an amino acid, which helps in increasing the blood flow to sexual organs.
• It will also help in boosting nitric oxide in the body which takes away the fatigue, mental and sexual dysfunction factor away.

10. Fishes

Some of the sea water fishes are found to be a rich source of omega -3. These fatty acids help in boosting the sexual urge in men and women and will also improve sexual stamina. They will help in fighting depression, improves the mood and helps in proper functioning of the brain and the nervous system. Some of the fishes that you need to include in your daily diet are:
• Trout
• Anchovies
• Herring
• Wild salmon
• Tuna
• Mackerel
• Sardines

11. Dates

Dates are a rich source of iron that will help in improving and strengthening the ovulation process is women. It will also help in increasing the sexual desire in women and men.
• Take a few numbers of pure Arabian dates and soak them in a cup of honey.
• Take one or teaspoons of the honey every day to improve your sexual desire.

12. Onions

Onions have aphrodisiac properties and hence will help in increasing libido.
• Peel off the skin of the onion. Crush it and then fry it in clarified butter.
• Take this regularly with a spoon of honey every morning on an empty stomach to boost your sexual drive.
Are you worried that you do not have the energy to perform in bed? Do you like to satisfy your partner in bed like never before? If you are looking at ways and means to increase your sexual drive, then you can try out a combination of the above foods to enjoy increased libido.

How To Make Anyone (And Everyone) Want You

There are some people who just have it. You know, that thing...
They illuminate a room. Eyes follow them. The spotlight naturally and effortlessly is drawn to them.
What's their secret? I know, and I'm going to tell you.
It's called soul.
People who embody soul are irresistible. Seriously irresistible. Like, I-can't-take-my-eyes-off-you irresistible. Uh huh, it's that good.
Soulful individuals are always being pursued. People flock to them. They look good, they feel good; they've got that thing.
Guess what? You can have that thing, too. In fact, you already have it. You just have to tap in and let it shine. That's what this article is going to teach you to do.
Here are four easy steps to embody your soul and light up a room. Get ready to turn some heads.

1. Center.
The quality of being centered is strong and peaceful; assured and graceful; aligned and free.
It feels heavenly to be around centered people because these qualities are so desirable to us. They also aren't the norm.
We live in a fast-paced, frazzled world, so being a pillar of peace is an oasis in a very dry desert. If you flow with grace and ease, no doubt people will be drawn to flow with you.
So how do you do it?
Easy. You practice.
Whether it's meditation (focus on your breath), mindfulness (focus on the now), or just paying attention to what is happening in the present moment, these practices will lead you to embody a sense of calm and ease.
People will take note. It's a slight shift with a big impact. Train yourself to be here now and watch how others respond to your aura of grace.

2. Be grateful. 
The reason gratitude is paramount in attracting others is because it aligns you with a state of abundance. Abundance overflows – it wants to share. When you're overflowing with good vibes, others will flock by your side.
Think about it. How does it feel to be around people who are grateful; people who are happy, free-spirited, and gracious? Pretty nice, right?
Gratitude overflows. It's light, joyful, and yummy. When you feel grateful, you become one with this delectable energy; it's an absolute people magnet!
Embody your soul by getting your gratitude on. Relish all the beautiful things you encounter during your day, feel it before you go to sleep, and be thankful whenever possible. This practice will greatly increase your personal magnetism, guaranteed.

3. Live your truth. 
People with that thing have confidence. Not inflated confidence; not narcissism. It's a deep confidence. Faith.
They know what they want, and they know that they're going to get it. This type of unwavering conviction is extremely attractive to us because it's what we all want, too.
We all want to know. We all want to be certain. We all want to believe. Therefore, those who live in this manner are utterly irresistible to us.
When someone speaks with conviction, we listen. We may not like what they're saying, but we'll listen. Conviction draws a crowd.
Guess what? You have conviction, too. You may not be aware of it, but you do. It comes in the form of your intuition, your higher self, your truth.
There's a voice that lives inside you; it's not in your head, it's in your heart. When you listen to this voice you'll be guided in the direction you're supposed to go. And as life unfolds the way you want as a result of listening to this voice, you'll have found your truth.
There's nothing more captivating than a person on their path. Listen to what the real you has to say, then follow through. People will always be drawn to you as a result to being true to yourself.

4. LOVE. 
Love. Just love.
Love your city. Love your home. Love your food. Love your dreams. Love your people. Love.
Love the things that are easy to love, and stretch to love the things that aren't.
When you love fearlessly, you beam. You're a light in the storm. You're a smile in the crowd. You're a breath of fresh air.
Love is that thing.
Involve your heart in all that you do and people won't be able to take their eyes off you.
Make a commitment right now to embody your soul – to be the most irresistible version of you. Center, feel grateful, live your truth and love your heart out, and you will, without a shadow of a doubt, become a magnet to everyone who has the privilege of basking in your light.
Please leave a comment below to tell us how you plan on embodying your soul today. Remember, we all benefit from your shine.


Tuesday, 26 November 2013

The Health Benefits of an Herbal Bath

“The way to health is to have an aromatic bath and scented massage every day,” said Hippocrates, the father of scientific medicine, over two thousand years ago.   He encouraged daily use of botanical waters and oils and believed that many diseases could be warded off and ailments such as arthritis could be improved by bathing and daily massage
Unfortunately, for most of us, a massage every day is not practical, however, an aromatic bath is.  It has been noted that Cleopatra took two to three baths a day using flowers, herbs, honey and even goat’s milk–no wonder she is remembered as such an exotic queen.  But you don’t have to be Cleopatra to enjoy the health benefits, or the simple luxury, of a botanical-like bath.  
You can create a simple bag called a sachet, or a bath tea, and fill it with dried flower petals, buds, herbs, and citrus rinds and toss into the tub.  Using sachets in the bath is the perfect way to relax, nurture your skin and soak up some herbal nutrients.  The skin is the body’s largest organ.  For example, some of the same health benefits one can ingest from drinking herbal teas/infusions/tisanes can be absorbed through the skin.   The molecules of the nutrients are small enough to enter through the pores.   So, instead of putting those herbs into a cup, why not soak in them.  
The following are a few herbal suggestions and are available in most herbal stores or through mail-order herbal companies.   

Calming Herb Blend:

Catnip (leaf) is calming, easing tension and anxiety. 
Chamomile (flower) is high in calcium, calms frayed nerves, relieves nausea, and is excellent for the skin.
Hops (flower) for centuries were used in pillows to help bring on sleep.  It is also made into a tea and used as a sleep aide. 
Lavender (flowers) used for centuries to calm the nerves, also relieves tension headaches.  It is also healing to the skin, therefore a must in skincare.
Rose (petals or buds) used for its fragrance. 
Rosemary (leaf – looks like pine needles) good for the skin; it is quite fragrant.

Soothing Herb Blend:

Alfalfa (leaf) known as the ‘Father of All Foods,’ contains vitamins A, B, D, E, K, and beta-carotene, it is very nutritious.
Calendula (flower petals) is a healing herb for both the interior and exterior of the body.
Lemon Balm (leaf) contains antidepressant properties – a bonus during winter.  It is also good for digestive disorders.
Lemon Verbena (leaf) is very fragrant and is a nice addition to an herbal bouquet.
Linden (flower) relieves anxiety and is helpful with some forms of migraines.
Oat straw (leaf) includes Vitamins A, B1, B2, D, Calcium, and Iron.  Also contains silicon and zinc, which are great for the skin.
For those suffering from any aches and pains adding white willow bark herbs may be beneficial.  For scented pleasure add orange and lemon rind, fresh or dried.

Mixing the blends:

Choose your blend.   In a large bowl add equal amounts of each herb from the list.  You don’t have to use all the herbs if you don’t want or can’t — pick and choose.
Toss the sachet into the tub at the beginning of running the water.  This allows the herbs to steep right away or boil water and steep in a large container for 20 minutes and pour in.  If choosing to steep bag in the tub squeeze it on occasion this will draw out more of the herbal goodness.


Set aside a half hour.  Turn on the warm water and toss in your sachet.  Grab your favorite book and don’t forget to light a candle.   Soothing sounds can help turn the bathroom into a spa – soft chimes, birds or waterfall.  Now slowly immerse yourself into the warm, fragrant water – ahhhhh – soothing to the mind, body and spirit – enjoy!

The powerful health benefits of curcumin

The orange Asian herb turmeric has been traditionally used for centuries by Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine. Curcumin is the most powerful active anti-inflammatory compound within turmeric. Curcumin has been shown to be a powerful suppressor of chronic inflammation-mediated disease processes.

Many Asian cultures use turmeric in nearly every meal. They rave of its anti-aging and medicinal benefits. Western medicine has just begun to research its components at a very deep level to better understand turmeric's remarkable health properties. Over 240 studies have appeared in the mainstream literature demonstrating curcumin's cancer-preventive effects.

Curcumin and blood sugar stability:

Curcuminoid polyphenols are the primary antioxidant in turmeric root. Curcumin is the principle curcuminoid, and it is responsible for the majority of health benefits attributed to turmeric. The other curcuminoids include desmethoxycurcumin and bis-desmethoxycurcumin.

Blood sugar imbalances and insulin resistance are huge factors that promote inflammatory conditions in the body. Elevated blood sugar creates hazardous glucose cross-links with proteins, causing Advanced Glycolytic Enzymes (AGEs) to form. These AGEs damage cell membranes, vital enzyme systems and perpetuate inflammatory conditions throughout the body.

Curcumin modulates blood sugar and improves insulin receptor function by improving its binding capacity to sugar. Curcumin activates PPAR (peroxisome proliferator-activator receptor), which is a group of key nuclear proteins that regulate gene expression and modulate sugar uptake and utilization in the bloodstream.

Curcumin also reduces the activity of specific liver enzymes that release sugar into the bloodstream while activating enzymes that store sugar as glycogen. Research on diabetic rats resulted in blood glucose stabilization and lowered triglyceride levels in the group that consumed curcumin.

Curcumin as an antioxidant:

Turmeric is the fourth most antioxidant-rich herb with an Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) of 159,277. The curcuminoids boost levels of the body's most potent antioxidants including glutathione, superoxide dismutase and catalase. These molecules are critical for the body to limit oxidative stress-related damage to the vital organ systems.

Curcumin has been shown to reduce inflammation-mediating prostaglandins, cytokines and other molecules such as interleukin 6, nuclear factor-kappa beta (NF-kb) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha). With a high enough dosage, this has the ability to pull the body out of a strong inflammatory cascade and reset anti-inflammatory behavior at the cellular level.

Curcumin and cancer:

Research done by the Life Extension Foundation found that curcuminoids target ten factors involved in cancer development. This includes chronic inflammation, DNA damage and disruption of cell signaling pathways. Curcumin supplementation was shown to destroy cancer cell mitochondria, disrupt the cancer cell cycle and arrest stem cell development that facilitates further cancer cell formation.

There are hundreds of other studies that have shown that curcumin turns on natural apoptotic (cell suicide) switches in cancer cells. They also reduce inflammatory prostaglandins that promote cancer cell growth. A study out of China showed that curcumin was able to induce apoptosis within triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) cells. TNBC is a type of cancer that defies conventional chemotherapy and radiation.

Best dosages of curcumin:

For optimal curcumin absorption, it is necessary to combine the turmeric with good fats such as coconut oil, milk or olive oil. You will also want to add a dash of black pepper for the piperine molecule that enhances curcumin uptake. You can also find fermented turmeric in an organic acid base which has an extraordinarily high absorption rate.

For individuals with chronic inflammatory diseases such as cancer, it is recommended to supplement with high-dose curcumin. Find one that is made with piperine in an enteric coating that protects the nutrient from stomach acid for optimal absorption.

An official dosage has not yet been established by the scientific literature. However, studies involving human patients with cancer found that curcumin doses of 3.6 grams or more daily had the best effect.

Curcumin regulates tumor suppressor pathways and triggers mitochondria-mediated death in the cancer tissue. Curcumin is anti-angiogenic, which means that it shuts down the ability of cancer cells to form new blood vessels for blood supply and fuel. This effect makes cancer cells more vulnerable to pharmacological treatments such as chemotherapy and other cancer-control drugs.

The Vitamin that has Been Shown to Dramatically Improve Fertility

Did you know that in northern countries, which have dark, cold winters, couples are less likely to conceive during the winter, whereas conception rates peak in the summer?
There are a number of reasons why this association exists, but new research highlights vitamin D as one of the most important variable.
Vitamin D, a steroid hormone that influences virtually every cell in your body and has been positively linked to health conditions ranging from cancer to heart disease, may significantly boost fertility in both men and women.

If You’re Struggling With Infertility, Get Your Vitamin D Levels Checked

Vitamin D is so crucial to health that I urge everyone to make sure their levels are optimized, but if you’ve been dealing with infertility, this is especially important.
A new report has shown that exposure to sunlight boosts fertility in both men and women by increasing their levels of vitamin D, a benefit that appears to work on multiple levels.
As the researchers reported in the European Journal of Endocrinology:
  • Among women, vitamin D appears to impact in vitro fertilization (IVF) outcomes, endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), the most common female endocrine disorder, as well as boost levels of progesterone and estrogen, which regulate menstrual cycles and improve the likelihood of successful conception
  • In men, vitamin D is essential for the healthy development of the nucleus of the sperm cell, and helps maintain semen quality and sperm count. Vitamin D also increases levels of testosterone, which may boost libido
The researchers state:
“Given the high prevalence of infertility as well as vitamin D insufficiency in otherwise healthy young women and men and the possible role of vitamin D in human reproduction, research might lead to new therapeutic approaches such as vitamin D supplementation in the treatment of female and male reproductive disorders.”

Low Vitamin D Levels Previously Linked to Infertility

This is not the first time the “sunshine vitamin” has been linked to infertility. In 2008, Australian fertility specialist Dr. Anne Clark found almost one-third of the 800 infertile men included in her study had lower than normal levels of vitamin D, (bear in mind here that "normal" does not equal "optimal" -- so by optimal standards, the rate of vitamin D deficiency was likely far higher than one-third) stating that:1
"Vitamin D and folate deficiency are known to be associated with infertility in women, but the outcomes of the screening among men in our study group came as a complete surprise. Men in the study group who agreed to make lifestyle changes and take dietary supplements had surprisingly good fertility outcomes."
In fact, of the 100 men who agreed to make and maintain certain lifestyle changes (quitting smoking, minimizing intake of caffeine and alcohol, weight reduction, along with a course of vitamins and antioxidants) for three months prior to fertility treatment, 11 of them went on to achieve pregnancy naturally, without IVF treatment.
Previous studies, such as one published in The Journal of Nutrition, also found that although vitamin-D-deficient female rats were capable of reproduction, it reduced fertility by an astounding 75 percent, diminished litter sizes by 30 percent, and impaired neonatal growth.2
Interestingly, another study published in November 2009 confirmed that human sperm does in fact have a vitamin D receptor.3 Analysis indicated that vitamin D is produced locally in the sperm, which suggests that vitamin D may be involved in the signaling between cells in the reproductive system. According to the authors, the study revealed "an unexpected significance of this hormone [vitamin D] in the acquisition of fertilizing ability," and the results imply that vitamin D is involved in a variety of sperm signaling pathways.

What Else Might be Impacting Your Fertility?

An estimated 1 in 6 American couples struggle with getting pregnant each year, and there's compelling evidence that lifestyle, diet and environmental exposures are largely to blame. Not only are you exposed to hundreds (if not thousands) of toxins each and every day, but some of the most commonly prescribed drugs, poor diet, and common vitamin deficiencies have also been linked to reduced fertility, just to name a few.
As Iva Keene, author of the Natural Fertility Prescription, stated:
“Conventional IVF and other assisted reproductive technology (ART) treatments don’t address root causes of infertility. These root causes include: nutritional deficiencies, toxin exposure, stress, food intolerances, allergies and immune deficiencies. These subtle but critical factors interact synergistically to impact the quality of your eggs and sperm, affecting your ability to conceive and the health of your embryo.
… during the generation and maturation of gamete cells -- sperm and ovum -- that form an embryo [a period of 120 days], everything that you and your partner ingest, inhale or are exposed to will influence the health of your eggs and sperm for better or worse, and the ultimate quality of the genetic building blocks you pass onto your child. This is why it’s crucial to follow a good preconception plan for a minimum of 4 months before conception. A baby is a 50-50 product of his or her parents -- therefore optimizing the quality of eggs and sperm is of paramount importance.”
You can find 10 tips that may help resolve infertility naturally in her past article, but here are a few initial strategies to consider:
  • Genetically modified food (GM), especially corn and soy, contain significant concentrations of the herbicide glyphosate (the active ingredient in Roundup), which has been linked to infertility in a number of studies.
  • Avoid chemicals as much as possible. Bisphenol-A (BPA), phthalates, fluoride (in drinking water), MSG, and many, many others have shown negative impacts on your reproductive health.
  • Consume a healthy diet, rich in healthy fats and antioxidants, and low in sugar and grains. Insulin resistance is an underlying factor responsible for most chronic disease, and it should come as no surprise that it plays a role in fertility as well. The treatment strategy is to reduce or eliminate grains along with sugars, especially fructose.
  • Identify potential gluten intolerance. Celiac disease (gluten intolerance) has been linked to fertility problems in both sexes. In men, it's associated with abnormal sperm, such as lower sperm numbers, altered shape, and reduced function. Men with untreated celiac disease may also have lower testosterone levels.
  • Be aware of electromagnetic fields, as research suggests cell phones may impact sperm quality as well. One study found men who talked on a cell phone for more than four hours a day had the lowest average sperm counts (50 million per milliliter) and the least healthy sperm.4

Are You Ready to Optimize Your Vitamin D Levels?

This is an imperative step for anyone planning a pregnancy, not only for increasing the rate of conception but also for the benefits it offers during pregnancy. Vitamin D deficiency is currently at epidemic proportions in the United States and many other regions around the world, largely because people do not spend enough time in the sun to facilitate this important process of vitamin D production.
So the first step to ensuring you are receiving all the benefits of vitamin D is to find out what your levels are using a 25(OH)D test, also called 25-hydroxyvitamin D.
There are two vitamin D tests -- 1,25(OH)D and 25(OH)D -- but 25(OH)D is the better marker of overall D status. It is this marker that is most strongly associated with overall health, and it is the one you should ask your physician for.. The point of vitamin D testing is, of course, to be sure you are maintaining a therapeutic level of vitamin D in your blood. A few years back, the recommended level was between 40 to 60 nanograms per milliliter (ng/ml), but more recently the optimal vitamin D level has been raised to 50-70 ng/ml.
To get your levels into the healthy range, sun exposure is the BEST way to optimize your vitamin D levels; exposing a large amount of your skin until it turns the lightest shade of pink, as near to solar noon as possible, is typically necessary to achieve adequate vitamin D production. If sun exposure is not an option, a safe tanning bed (with electronic ballasts rather than magnetic ballasts, to avoid unnecessary exposure to EMF fields) can be used.
As a last resort, a vitamin D3 supplement can be taken orally, but research suggests the average adult needs to take 8,000 IU's of vitamin D per day in order to elevate their levels above 40 ng/ml, which is the absolute minimum for disease prevention.
For more details, be sure to read How to Get Your Vitamin D Within Healthy Ranges.
Infertility can be a challenging condition with multiple contributing factors, but you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by optimizing your vitamin D levels. It is free if you do it via sun exposure, and inexpensive if you use a safe tanning bed or vitamin D3 supplement. It’s a simple step that can have a profound impact on your health, even if trying to conceive naturally is not your primary goal.


Monday, 25 November 2013

Shocking animal abuse routine in Hollywood; secret photos, emails surface

It is often displayed at the end of movies and television shows that feature animals -- that succinct but prominent disclaimer notifying the viewing audience that no animals were harmed during production. But a recent investigation by The Hollywood Reporter (THR) suggests that this well-respected seal of approval is not necessarily trustworthy, as the organization responsible for monitoring animal safety is increasingly accused of maintaining an "improper coziness" with the very industry it is supposed to be overseeing.

This in-depth look at what really takes place behind the scenes during the creation of some of the most critically acclaimed feature films and television series is not for the faint of heart. Detailed accounts of horses suffering fatal injuries, dogs being abused and other sobering specifics about animals sustaining the brunt of the entertainment industry -- not to mention photo evidence of these and other atrocities -- are presented as evidence to show how apparently fictitious situations, at least as they appear on screen, are not always fictitious when animals are involved.

Popular films like Life of Pi, War Horse and The Hobbit, all of which feature large, beautiful animals, are included as offenders in the report, as are seemingly wholesome made-for-television movies like the Hallmark Channel's Everlasting Love and Love's Resounding Courage. All sorts of television shows and feature films are said to have involved animals being injured or dying, yet most of these have received an official seal of approval from the American Humane Association (AHA).

"Alarmingly, it turns out that audiences reassured by the organization's famous disclaimer should not necessarily assume it is true," writes Gary Baum for THR. "In fact, the AHA has awarded its 'No Animals Were Harmed' credit to films and TV shows on which animals were injured during production. It justifies this on the grounds that the animals weren't intentionally harmed or the incidents occurred while cameras weren't rolling."

HBO series Luck canceled after several thoroughbred horses die

Luck, an HBO series about horse racing, actually ended up being canceled after it was revealed that at least four horses died during filming. According to insider allegations, many of the horses used in the show were old, injured, underfed and even drugged, yet they were still forced to "act" as part of the series. THR's investigation found that, based on the evidence, the four horse deaths probably could have been prevented, yet AHA still gave the show its "No Animals Were Harmed" approval.

A spokeswoman from HBO later denied allegations that horses on the show were treated improperly. But the woman who first came forward to make the claims, Barbara Casey, the former head of production at AHA's Studio City-based Film & TV Unit, says animal safety was not a priority on the set, as it was holding up production. So in order to meet their production schedule, she says, Luck's creators simply flouted their political muscle to get the AHA to look the other way, and in the process got her fired.

Casey has since filed a lawsuit against the AHA for what she says is a pattern of "appeasement and collusion" between the organization and the entertainment industry. Luck, she says, is hardly the only occasion where animal abuse and neglect has occurred without incident -- other HBO shows, feature films and TV movies have left a trail of injured or dead animals that has been largely overlooked or ignored by the AHA, all the while receiving the "No Animals Were Harmed" demarcation.

AHA employees, internal documents corroborate claims that organization has become 'entrenched industry insider'

While the AHA vehemently denies all claims of misconduct and collusion, a growing number of whistleblowers says otherwise. At least six AHA employees, all of who wished to remain anonymous for their own protection, as well as a multitude of internal AHA documents, including emails with revealing discourses about major animal incidents that took place on the set, reveal a serious lack of proper oversight with regards to animal safety.

"Once a distinctly outsider entity, which had to fight for its right to independently monitor productions in the first place, today the AHA has transformed itself into an entrenched industry insider," adds Baum.

Part of the reason why the AHA continues to get away with this, say its critics, is that the organization is notorious for manipulating statistics to make it appear as though it has a near-perfect safety rating. This, and the AHA chooses to exclude many cases of animal injury or death from its assessments, depending on where, when and how they occurred.

"If we acknowledge that something went wrong and wasn't a 'tragic, unpreventable accident,' it means we bear some responsibility," stated an AHA employee to THR about how the rating system typically works. "The AHA does not want responsibility."

Why You Should Drink Lemon Water In The Morning

Lemon is a yellow fruit whose pulp, juice, peel and even its zest can be exclusively used in food further the sour taste of lemon is due to the presence of 5 % to 6% of citric acid in lemon juice. This distinctive taste of lemon juice also makes it one of the important ingredients either when it is used in drinks or even food like cocktails, lemonade and soft drinks.
Lemon juice also can be made into a preservative for certain foods which oxidize and turn brown after they are sliced like apples, bananas and avocados, it is the presence of acids which denatures the enzymes which result in browning and degradation of foods.
This is not the end to the ways in which these lemons can be used, there is also one of the effect methods which is drinking lemon water early in the morning to get flat tummy, here we give you facts which will surely force you to give a try for lemon water in the morning:
• It is not necessary that this will have any effect on the morning coffee cup that has great taste and aroma along with warmth instead taking lemon water will only be suggestible for people who are ready to postpone their cup of coffee for 30 minutes.
• Cancer cells are known to breed in acidic body but even any human body is known to perform better when it has higher alkaline content. Lemon though is famous for being an acidic fruit also is known to be great alkalizing agent when it gets into the human body also lessening the acidic levels. Though there are very few people who know that their body is acidic due to the food being eaten and things to which skin is exposed however this can be beaten by lemon water to lessen pH levels.
Great source of Vitamins and Minerals: It is known that this yellow fruit is richer source of Vitamin C which is known to be anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial and also helps in developing immune system, Vitamin B which is for production of energy, Riboflavin helps in growth, repair and development of tissue along with minerals like calcium, magnesium and phosphorous which help in adding strength to bones and teeth.
Liver purification: Liver is the main organ which detoxifies, produces protein and bio-chemicals which are known to be responsible for proper body digestion. It has been found that lemon water helps liver to carry out all its responsibilities even more effectively since it increases the number of enzymes which detoxify liver, apart from this lemon is known to be diuretic which helps in increasing the rate at which urination happens which ultimately purifies the body.
Halts age: Lemon is known to help in erasing the wrinkles also having a better appearance of skin on regular consumption. If the body has too many toxins then the skin does not look healthy which can be fought with lemon water to get clear and glowing skin. Lemon also has citric acid which helps in fighting against acne making this one of the cheapest and most commonly available remedy to treat wrinkles and get glowing skin at the same time.
Helps in weight loss: Too many toxins and waste products in liver will have effect on the body metabolism which in turn increases body fat. Lemon water is known to help liver in removal of all the waste products also increasing the body fat however lemon has to be supported by proper diet and physical activity.
Resolves respiratory problems: Lemon water is known to treat any chest infections and stop any smaller coughs, also lemon is known to be best treatment for people suffering from asthma and allergies. Lemon is also known to treat bad breath and any tooth ache along with gingivitis due to the higher rate of citric acid which when taken in increased content will cause harm to tooth enamel.
Here is the process in which homemade lemon water can be prepared for consumption in morning:

  1. Take a glass full of water either cool or even at room temperature and those suffering with any digestion problems can use hot water.
  2. Now squeeze juice from half slice of fresh lemon into this glass of water
  3. Stir this and drink without any sugar.
It is advised to not use bottled lemon water due to increased presence of sulphites which results in allergy among several people.

Will icy comet ISON survive a close encounter with the sun?

For months, all eyes in the sky have pointed at the comet that's zooming toward a blisteringly close encounter with the sun.
The moment of truth comes Thursday — Thanksgiving Day.
The sun-grazing Comet ISON, now thought to be less than a mile wide, will either fry and shatter, victim of the sun's incredible power, or endure and quite possibly put on one fabulous celestial show.
Talk about an astronomical cliffhanger.
Even the smartest scientists are reluctant to lay odds.
Should it survive, ISON, pronounced EYE'-sahn, would be visible with the naked eye through December, at least from the Northern Hemisphere. Discernible at times in November with ordinary binoculars and occasionally even just the naked eye, it already has dazzled observers and is considered the most scrutinized comet ever by NASA. But the best is, potentially, yet to come.
Detected just over a year ago, the comet is passing through the inner solar system for the first time. Still fresh, this comet is thought to bear the pristine matter of the beginning of our solar system.
It's believed to be straight from the Oort cloud on the fringes of the solar system, home to countless icy bodies, most notably the frozen balls of dust and gas in orbit around the sun known as comets. For whatever reason, ISON was propelled out of this cloud and drawn toward the heart of the solar system by the sun's intense gravitational pull.
The closer the comet gets to the sun, the faster it gets.
In January, it was clocked at 40,000 mph.
By last Thursday, with just a week to go, it had accelerated to 150,000 mph.
Right around the time many Americans will be feasting on turkey, the comet will zip within 730,000 miles of the sun, less than the actual solar diameter. In other words, another sun wouldn't fit in the missed distance.
By the time ISON slingshots around the sun, it will be moving at a mind-boggling 828,000 mph.
Whether it survives or is torn apart, earthlings have nothing to fear.
The comet will venture no closer to us than about 40 million miles, less than half the distance between Earth and the sun. That closest approach to Earth will occur Dec. 26. Then it will head away in the opposite direction forever, given its anticipated trajectory once it flies by the sun.
ISON is named after the International Scientific Optical Network, used by a pair of Russian astronomers to detect the comet in September last year. But it officially is known as C/2012 S1, a designation indicating when it was discovered.
Take heart: The "C'' means it is not expected here again.
NASA wasted no time jumping on ISON. The space agency's Deep Impact spacecraft observed ISON back in January from a distance of about 500 million miles.
Since then, the observations have stacked up.
Among NASA's space telescopes taking a look: Swift, Hubble, Spitzer, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, Solar and Heliospheric Observatory or SOHO, Chandra, Mercury-orbiting Messenger, and the Stereo twin spacecraft.
"Every spacecraft that has a camera, we're turning on it," said John Grunsfeld, NASA's science mission director.
The newly launched Maven spacecraft en route to Mars will gaze at ISON the second week of December, once its ultraviolet instrument is up and running.
"That's well after closest approach to the sun," the University of Colorado's Nick Schneider, who's in charge of the instrument, said in an email. So it's not known "whether we'll see a comet, comet bits or the last wisps of comet vapor."
"Whatever happens, it's bound to be interesting. The quip from my colleagues is, 'Comets are like cats: They have tails and do whatever they want.'"
Besides ISON, NASA is spying on Comet Siding Spring, another Oort cloud comet discovered in January by the Australian observatory of the same name. Siding Spring will pass within tens of thousands of miles of Mars next October, so close that scientists believe the coma of the comet — its thin but expansive atmosphere — will envelop the red planet.
"It will be blanketed in water and dust and meteorites. It moves like 50 kilometers per second, blazing through the environment," said Jim Green, director of NASA's planetary science division. That's more than 110,000 mph, so the comet will be gone from Mars "pretty quick."
Siding Spring-type events have happened before, Green noted. "We're just lucky in our lifetime" to have the right spacecraft in the right place to observe the spectacle.
The same applies to ISON.
Add small sounding rockets to the list of paparazzi chasing the comet; NASA fired up one from New Mexico on Wednesday with an ultraviolet telescope that reached 172 miles high before descending by parachute. Consider all the ground observatories peering at the comet, as well as countless amateur astronomers and astrophotographers, and ISON has become the belle of the cosmic ball.
"Comets evolve from the time they start brightening until they go all the way around the sun, and go back out," Green said. "By having and leveraging these assets, it really gives us that view — that unique view — that we couldn't get otherwise."
Some sky gazers speculated early on that ISON might become the comet of the century because of its brightness, although expectations have dimmed over the past year.
Scientists expect to know ISON's fate fairly quickly. At least three spacecraft will be aiming that way in real time.
If ISON survives, "it's going to fly right over the Northern Hemisphere," Green said with clear excitement in his voice. It should be visible with the naked eye for 30 days.
"So it's really a holiday comet. You ought to be able to see it well past Christmas," Green said. "But it's got to survive it, that's the only thing about that."

Sunday, 24 November 2013

Curcumin causes colon cancer cells to self-destruct

The second leading cause of cancer-related death in America, colon cancer, is projected to take over 50,000 lives in 2013, just in the US. The steep death toll can be prevented, however, because the causes of colon cancer are preventable and are no coincidence. Cancer of the colon is based on risk factors acquired through lifestyle decisions.

These risk factors do not include stereotypical medical excuses like family genetics and being over 50 years old.

Stereotypical colon cancer risk factors debunked

People of the same family may harbor similar genes, but more importantly, they may pass on the same mindsets. Similar negative gene expression may actually come from families who tend to practice and teach the same philosophies about thinking, eating and medicating.

In fact, gene expression can be completely altered and changed in the face of cancer when a new mindset and eating approach is undertaken. (Certain substances like turmeric can alter proteins in colon cancer cells.)

Age is no risk factor for cancer either. Just because a person is over age 50, doesn't mean they need a colonoscopy from a medical doctor. One can be completely confident that they are not harboring cancer by knowing their nutrition levels and understanding their body's signs and the condition of their stool.

If there's one assurance that trumps all, it's the understanding that natural substances like turmeric have the greatest impact on killing cancer cells in the colon. Turmeric, and its active ingredient, curcumin, has been tested for its ability to destroy colon cancer cells at the Department of Surgery, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.

The results, were astounding.

Curcumin obliterates colon cancer cells

In the study, researchers looked at three kinds of colon cancer cells, p53(+/+), p53(-/-) HCT-116, and p53 HT-29.

Cancer cell death was observed through curcumin's ability to reduce pro-caspase-3 levels, polymerase-1 cleavage and chromatin condensation. In a time- and dosage-dependent manner, curcumin caused wild-type p53 HCT-116 cells to self-destruct, while obliterating mutant p53 HT-29 cells in their tracks.

The researchers were so astounded that they proposed that curcumin may actually have therapeutic potential in the management of colon cancer. With its ability to inhibit the growth of neoplastic cells, curcumin is king against colon cancer. In the presence of curcumin, colon cancer cells went through a process of phosphorylation, which is a complete altering of the function and activity of certain protein enzymes. This was all for the better, as oxidative stress was alleviated and superoxide anion production was increased.

Affordable curcumin cancer treatments could save over 50,000 lives without the devastating side effects

Health care is not expensive after all, and no one has to lose their hair to overcome cancer. The medical system and the insurance companies may only cover and recommend chemotherapy drugs and radiation treatment, but that way of thinking is not working. Look at all the dying people. It's not working. (A government health insurance mandate won't make the broken health care system work either.)

Instead, cancer treatment can be as simple as consuming daily doses of turmeric. Who said you needed to poison the immune system with radiation and chemotherapy just to kill some cancer in the colon?

Medical doctors in America typically graduate and are accredited simply by following one way of thinking. This means they probably have no clue about the evidence of turmeric killing cancer. Maybe they are restricted from recommending a cheaper, natural therapy that actually works. Maybe turmeric doesn't pay off their student loans and high salaries. Regardless, turmeric itself can travel in the body, alkalize it and kill cancer cells in their tracks.

An alkaline state of body should be first priority

Furthermore, the importance of starving cancer cells by creating an alkaline state in the body is disregarded by mainstream medical doctors. An alkaline state makes bacteria, virus, cancer and fungus growth practically impossible. Alkalizing the body, which is rooted in a holistic lifestyle eating approach, should be the first step in any cancer treatment.

How might patients get to an alkaline state?

First, the hospital wouldn't feed the patients processed food. They'd hydrate the patients' bodies with filtered water and feed them fresh herbs and vegetables from the hospital garden. Patients would be fed only foods that are alkaline forming. A few examples of these foods include apple cider vinegar, probiotic cultures, berries, spirulina, mostly any herb, peppers, mushrooms, broccoli, garlic and spices like cinnamon and turmeric.

You can prevent and destroy cancer right here, right now

There's no coincidence to colon cancer incidence, and you can begin to help yourself, right now, and begin preventing and destroying cancer in the colon. As a matter of fact, you are the only person that can help you right now, because the last time I checked, the doctor wasn't bringing in fresh vegetables, herbs and doses of turmeric for you to eat at the clinic or hospital. He's probably over there talking to the pharmaceutical rep, taking an incentive, ready to put you on a new experimental drug.

Friday, 22 November 2013

Morning Mistakes That Slow Down Metabolism

Morning is the best time to affect one’s metabolism process. Metabolism is the rate of burning of sugar and release of energy. The rate at which the energy provided by the food in our system is used up is determined by our metabolic rate. If the metabolic rate is sluggish it leads to accumulation of fats and sugars in the system which in turn leads to weight gain. If you have a high metabolic rate, you will be able to burn off calories faster and be able to ward off the extra weight. Metabolic rate is influenced by different factors such as genetics, weight and age. Even though these factors are out of our control, there are many ways we can influence our metabolism levels. The right choices will lead to the metabolism rate firing up or fizzling down. If you are targeting weight loss, there are certain mistakes which you might be making resulting in slowing down of the metabolism rate.

Eating Too Late

This is a mistake that many people make. Most people do not have time to have breakfast when they rushing off to work or to drop the kids off to school. However, it has been seen that skipping breakfast can be worse for your health. It makes the metabolism rate slow down for the day. As the body is not provided adequate amount of food, the brain signals to the body to conserve energy. Accordingly the fats are stored up instead of getting burnt off. It is imperative that one eats within an hour of waking up. That sparks off the metabolic process called thermogenesis. This turns the food that is eaten into energy. That also makes it ideal to opt for high protein and even calorie laden food items during breakfast rather having it for lunch or dinner. If you feel like having a donut after having an omelet of egg whites, you might as well pack it in with an early breakfast so that you will burn it off during the day.

Not Exercising

Research has shown that one keeps burning calories even after 24 hours after workout, especially when one does resistance training form of exercises. Research also has proven that exercising in the morning leads to more calories being brunt than exercising at any other time of the day. Thus, if you wish to get an effective exercise without going at it for hours, plan a short and quick workout early in the morning. You could get up and go for a run or a walk as suits your physical activity need and preference. When you do high intensity cardio interval training you challenge the fat burning genes more. As a result, the post workout calorie burn is much more. Doing cardio vascular exercises early in the morning on an empty stomach will prove most effective in reducing fat and weight.

Not Doing Resistance Training

Most people think that resistance training is not for them. They feel that cardio vascular exercises are enough to keep them fit. While that is true in most regard, if you wish to develop lean muscles and want to keep the fat burning process going even after you have stopped exercising. It would be wiser to start doing strength training. Strength training involves working with weights but one can even do other forms of resistance training such as high intensity interval training. That leads to similar effects as weight lifting exercises. These kinds of exercises work on the muscle groups and lead to wear and tear. As the muscles start to recover and rebuild themselves, they burn the fat cells in order to get energy. During the time when you rest, the muscles are repairing themselves and burning calories at the same time. Thus, a metabolism boosting workout even for ten minutes included in one’s morning exercise routine will keep the calories burning through the day.
These are some of the great ways one can boost their metabolism. If you are not doing these activities, you are missing out on stepping up your metabolic rate.

Is weight gain weighing you down? Does it not seem to help no matter what measures you take? You need to understand the natural processes within your body with respect to fat burning. The kind of food that helps to burn fat, increase the metabolic rate more need to be known in order to affect weight loss. Again, eating the right food at the right time as well as doing the right amount of physical activity will keep the metabolism active. Even if you are born with a sluggish metabolism, you could do many things to step it up and make it work to your advantage in order to help you lose the fat and keep off the extra weight.

Thursday, 21 November 2013

10-year-old boy speaks English backwards

A 10-year-old boy who is able to speak English backwards has become a viral Internet sensation after his parents posted a video of him to YouTube.

Cameron Bissett of Bo'ness, Scotland, said he discovered the ability while playing around with friends at school.

"It first started when I was just imagining what words would sound like backwards, and then when people would be saying stuff I'd imagine to myself what full sentences would sound like backwards," he said.

His father John said that, when Cameron first demonstrated his talent to them, they thought that he was faking.

"We thought he'd been practicing the words, so we started throwing random words at him just to test him, and every one he threw back very, very quickly," John Bissett said.

"We had quite a few people round at the time, so we started to throw bigger phrases and again he was just turning them round. We were shocked, to be honest. We thought it was hilarious."

Going viral

In the YouTube video, which has been viewed more than 1 million times since it was posted in April, Cameron introduces himself by saying (backwards), "My name is Cameron and I live in Scotland." His father introduces him offscreen, saying, "This is my 10 year old son, Cameron, talking backwards. We discovered he had this amazing talent a couple of days ago. Apparently he has been entertaining friends at school for a couple of months now!"

John then feeds Cameron sentences to say backwards. Cameron says each phrase backwards into an iPad app, which then reverses them again to show that Cameron has said them correctly.

Phrases that Cameron says backwards include "I went outside to play on my bike today," "I'm going to Canada for my summer holidays," "'I fell off my bed and landed on my head," and even the classic Mary Poppins line "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious." Cameron is also able to count from one to 20, pronouncing each number backwards.

The boy has already acquired 800 subscribers to his YouTube channel. He says that he is planning to add more content in the hopes of building a larger following.

Not the first

Bissett is not the first youth in recent years to gain some measure of fame from an ability to speak backwards. Last year, 14-year-old Alyssa Kramer of Poteau, Oklahoma, uploaded a YouTube video in which her friends come up with words and she quickly repeats them, backwards. That video also got more than 1 million views, causing Kramer to eventually go on both the Today Show and Jimmy Kimmel Live! to demonstrate that her talent was genuine.

Kramer said that she taught herself to speak backwards when she first started reading, by learning to visualize words backwards.

"Someone will say the word and then my brain will flip it for me and I'll just read it that way," she said.

Way To Reducing Lung Cancer Risk For Smokers

If you have the bad habit of smoking, the principal way that one can help themselves is to give up on smoking. Continuing to smoke and seeing other ways to reduce the risks of lung cancer is a half hearted approach. Smoking is known to harm not only the lungs but can also cause other associated problems. By increasing the levels of toxin in the blood stream, you compromise your immune system greatly. All kinds of ailments take on a graver appearance when one continues to smoke. The following steps can be taken to reduce the risks of lunch cancer in smokers.

Do Not Smoke

  • Do Not Take Up The Habit – The main step towards reducing the risk of developing lung cancer is to stop smoking. Tobacco use is attributed as the major cause of lung cancer in people afflicted with such a disease across the world. It has been seen that in US alone eighty percent women and ninety percent men have smoked for which they have contracted lung cancer and finally died in the process. Thus, the main step towards reducing the risk of cancer is to not take up such a habit.
  • Quit The Habit – If you are a smoker, you need to quit the habit which will help to lower the risk of lung cancer. You could try electronic cigarettes to reduce your tenacity to smoke. One should remember that, even if you quit, you need to take steps towards a healthy diet and lifestyle in order to reduce the chances of contracting such a disease.
  • Seek Help – If you are a smoker and are unable to give up the habit, you need to lower the risk of lung cancer by seeking help. There are support groups where one can join to discuss their problems of not being able to quit. Such support groups allow one to express their feelings and be able to come to terms with their situation. One could also seek counseling and support to quit smoking.

Reduce Exposure To Second Hand Smoke

It is said that passive smoking is as bad as being exposed to smoke first hand. Thus, one needs to find ways to reduce chances of inhaling second hand smoke at home or in workplaces.
  • Make your home smoke free – if you live with other members who smoke, try and discourage them from smoking. Even if they cannot give up the habit, they should be asked to smoke outside the close spaces where the air gets polluted easily.
  • Ensure that your workplace does not make you a passive smoker – you have every right to a smoke free space in your workplace. If others are smoking close to your office workstation and subjecting you to second hand smoke, you can speak up and voice your complaint.
  • Use public transport that does not allow smoking. Nowadays most public transport systems, public waiting areas do not allow people to smoke openly. One can always speak up if others are found smoking.

Reduce Exposure To Dangerous Fumes

Lung cancer can be caused not only by being exposed to tobacco fumes or smoke but also by exposure to other forms of toxic fumes and pollutants.

Reduce Use Of Chemical Household Cleaners

– We do not realize that many of our actions involve working with chemicals that release fumes which can be toxic to our lungs. When you are using household cleaners, it is best to resort to herbal or non toxic household cleaning agents. These will not release harmful fumes which can affect the lungs and increase the chances of lung cancer.

Workplace Dangers

– Do you work in a factory where you are subjected to inhaling dangerous fumes? If so, find out the norms of workplace safety rules and whether your office is abiding by them. Seek medical help if you have been exposed to an unhealthy level of such toxic fumes. Consider changing such a workplace if the risks are great.

Living Areas

– Do you live in an industrial setting? Do you have plants and factories next to you which emit fumes all day? Such pollutants in the air will affect the residents nearby. Find out more about the factories located close to your home and whether you are at risk of contracting lung diseases like lung cancer due to constant exposure to such polluted air. You might need to consider moving t a safer and greener par of town in order to reduce such risks to your health.
Have you quit smoking to reduce the chances of lung cancer? Do you wish to be free of such risks? Get a medical checkup done and follow the preventive measures mentioned above. Awareness and prevention are the important steps to prevent the onset of such a disease.

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Bill Gates GMO Zombie Eggs

Are you eating fake eggs made in a laboratory? Who knew? This is like some mutated organism plasma-like "goo" from the movie "Alien." Who in their right mind would dare eat it? Well, lots of people who don't know that they're eating it, that's who. When will it be substituted and remain as such without labels or warnings in just about every egg-containing packaged item that is sold to the masses by Corporate America and infects the body with GM bacteria? Welcome to zombie food central and the inside story on this nightmare coming to grocery stores everywhere. Some say it's already in the food. But wait, it's made from plants! Didn't you hear? It's time to get brainwashed, again, by the richest people on the planet.

A radical "artificial egg" backed by Paypal billionaire Peter Thiel and the "infamous" Bill Gates goes on sale in US supermarkets for the first time. Made from plants, it can replace eggs in everything from cakes to mayonnaise - without a chicken in the equation whatsoever. The "Bio-tech food mutation" team today have already started selling their "plant egg"! It looks like it will be first sold at none other than the beloved "Whole Foods" in California - and some say it could "soon be available in supermarkets worldwide."

How many products will contain genetically modified "plant" eggs? What could you accidentally bake with this synthetic science mystery? Will you make cookies or brownies for the kids? Will you slop some "bio" mayonnaise on your next sandwich, or will you pour some synthetic salad dressing on your greens? Will it be in all the pasta and bread or lumped into muffins for that "bouncy" quality that stays "fresh" so long? This synthetic nightmare will contain no real egg whatsoever. You know they'll call it something real nifty too, like "Beyond the Egg" mayonnaise, or the "Incredible Scramble!" The name has to reflect the opposite of what it's really all about.

That's why GMOs are unlabeled in America, and saying that it doesn't need to be listed in the ingredients means it's the MOST dangerous ingredient mankind could know! Get it? Soon, aspartame will be in milk, unlabeled, and all those conventional milk worshipers will be consuming artificial sweetener on top of all those hormones, antibiotics and pus from the cow udders. That's where conventional cheese is derived, so pay attention closely to the new FAKE eggs, and try not to eat "cancer" intentionally or unintentionally.

Of course, they'll claim the nutritional values are the same. "They" being the regulatory organization that approves it (FDA/Monsanto), the companies that test it for health dangers (the manufacturers who make billions) and those scientific "peer-reviewed" tests (altered results) will be shared with the public (the shareholders) so that proper diet (pharmaceutical medications) can be addressed by the doctors who recommend it (surgeons and oncologists that work on you later). This is the nature of the GM beast.

Everyone should know doctors who have a degree in nutrition to get the right "news" and the right "advice" on how food affects your body, your mind and your health. Some doctors know the dangers of GMOs and will tell you all about it! ( Research more on this: "Doctors Warn: Avoid Genetically Modified Food." (

Fake egg makers can't seem to get that egg "bounce" right

They say they don't have the right "bounce" yet, to make them feel like real eggs, so what will they use for that, gelatin? That would add to the toxicity and DNA damage to human cells, since gelatin comes from CAFO animals' connective tissue. "We want to take animals out of the equation," said Josh Tetrick, the firm's founder. "The food industry is begging for innovation, especially where animals are involved - it is a broken industry." You can say that again - now throw those eggs in the "trash compactor" with the other medical waste please.

Please realize, this is not a legitimate, healthy vegan alternative to eggs. The bigger questions still remain: Will the GM eggs contain bacteria from insects, or worms, or plants that are never supposed to be eaten? Also, since genetically modified organisms are not required to be labeled in the USA, will GM eggs be HUGE mystery, and could they cause cancer, birth defects or other gene mutations in humans? Don't turn into a zombie. Don't consume anything GM. Stay positive and informed. Eat only organic eggs! Don't eat pesticide vegetables (GMOs) and never ever eat cancer.

8 Simple Tricks To Get Happier At Work

Work is a part of life for just about everyone… some live for it, others do it because they must to live, but both can find ways to get more happiness out of the work they do during a time when Americans are increasingly unhappy with their jobs. So here are some smart, simple tips anyone can try to be happier at work.
1. Keep a to-do list and finish off that list no matter what. Getting all the things you need to do in one place improves the odds they’ll get done, and gives you a real-world sense of satisfaction as you cross them off the list. For those whose job offers little physical reward, this can be a huge – a physical reminder of all you do, just what you’ve accomplished.
2. Get outside between tasks rather than hanging at your desk surfing social media. A brisk walk outside, something fast enough to get your heart rate up even if just for a few minutes, is a natural way to release feel good endorphins while those deep breaths of fresh air help clear the mind too. By the time you come in you’ll feel better, and find you are more productive, and in a better mood for the rest of the workday.
3. Clean your work area because a clean and organized desk helps keep your mind clear too. You won’t be tempted to tidy up instead of focus on work, and in a more organized, pleasant looking area you’ll work quickly and efficiently, feeling better as you go.
4. Get enough sleep as research has found, over and over again, that you’ll be more focused and productive if you get the right amount of quality sleep. That amount differs for everyone, but 6.5 to 7.5 hours a night is a good guideline.

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Obamacare will fail even if it works: No health care system is affordable unless it's based on nutrition and prevention

Forget the name "Obamacare" for the next few minutes. Because it doesn't matter if you call our national health care system "BushCare" or "ReaganCare" or even "CarterCare" -- it has forever been based on allowing food, beverage and pharma companies to sicken the population while invoking costly "interventionist medicine" to "manage disease" rather than preventing disease with nutrition.

I'm here to tell you that no system of health care which isn't based on the nutritional prevention of disease will ever survive in the long run. That's because the very idea of managing disease will always, inevitably, irreversible bankrupt your nation.

Obamacare will fail even if works

Even if the website magically works on November 30th -- a far-fetched idea if there ever was one -- the entire concept of Obamacare is based on nothing more than cost shifting the burden of paying for disease management.

Obamacare is modeled on the idea that a sufficient number of young, healthy people who aren't yet sick will sign up and pay rip-off rates in order to subsidize the sicker people who are going to cost a fortune to manage. Why will they cost a fortune? Because America treats disease with monopoly-priced medications, surgery and chemotherapy instead of cheap-but-effective nutritional therapies, botanicals and simple lifestyle changes that have almost miraculous healing effects.

For every cancer patient where the government spends $500,000 on "disease management" interventions such as chemotherapy, there's a bona fide cure to be had for less than $5,000 worth of nutrients and botanicals. That's a 100-to-1 savings and it has a far better outcome, too, since chemotherapy actually causes repeat cancer as well as permanent damage to the kidneys, brain and heart.

Preventing disease is not profitable

But treating patients affordably is not a profitable business model for the so-called "sick-care industry." There's money to be made from sickness and disease, after all, and there's even more money to be made in keeping people sick for a lifetime. The sicker they get, the more drugs they need, and drug companies have already proven over and over again that they're willing to bribe doctors and commit felony crimes in order to push their often-deadly drugs onto the market.

As long as the health care industry is based on profit, it will never produce healthy outcomes for patients. There's simply too much money to be made in ongoing sickness and disease.

People don't want health insurance... they want HEALTH!

As it turns out, there's only one person who has any financial interest in keeping you healthy, and that's YOU! While insurance companies, drug companies, hospitals and doctors all rake in the profits the sicker and more medicated you become, your own quality of life, happiness, productivity and longevity improves the LESS you depend on insurance companies, drug companies, hospitals and doctors.

Until a national health care system aligns itself with this individual interest for low-cost, high-return health abundance, it will never be viable in the long run. No nation has a real future if half its economy is based on how much money can be made from keeping people in a downward spiral of sickness and disease, after all. And that's precisely where the U.S. economy is headed (health care costs are fast approaching 25% of the national economy).

How to really solve Obamacare and put America on the path to healthful abundance

As a result of all this, Obamacare is fatally broken even if it magically works. They may be able to (eventually) fix the website, but they can't fix the underlying MODEL of Obamacare which is really nothing more than playing musical chairs with the ever-increasing costs of funding a national policy of disease management and medical crisis intervention.

What you really need if you want a sustainable health care system is something like the following:

• Outlawing all drug advertisements that target the general public. Drug ads do nothing but convince people they need more drugs even when they don't. (All such drug ads were illegal before 1997.)

• Ending the FDA's censorship of truthful health claims on nutritional supplements, thereby allowing sellers of herbs, superfoods and dietary supplements to make truthful, qualified, scientifically-validated claims about the ability of dietary products to treat, prevent and cure disease. Vitamin C, for example, cures scurvy. But the FDA does not allow this claim on a bottle of vitamin C.

• Breaking the state medical monopolies that marginalize chiropractic, Chinese medicine, herbal practices and other holistic healing arts. State medical boards needs to be reined in with a national "Medical Bill of Rights" that guarantees freedom to practice the healing arts without oppressive interference from state medical boards (which are almost always run by conventional medical monopolists who have financial ties to Big Pharma).

• Ending all drug patents and shifting R&D to publicly-funded universities. This would immediately take the profit out of junk science drug promotions and sharply reduce the cost of drugs to the public.

• The outlawing of all toxic, disease-promoting ingredients in the food supply (HFCS, aspartame, sodium nitrite, etc.)

• The breaking apart of the FDA into separate "Food" and "Drug" regulators.

• Reforming the mission statement of the NIH to study causes of health rather than causes of disease.

• The outlawing of FDA, CDC, USDA and FTC employees from accepting jobs inside the very industries they regulate. (Stop the "revolving door" of regulators taking jobs with pharma.)

• The outlawing of drug company bribery of doctors, financial influence of medical schools and commercial funding of science journals.

• The total ban of mercury from all medicines, including vaccines where they continue to be used. This ban also must encompass dental amalgams, where mercury remains one of the top sources of contamination across the population.

• Ending poisonous agricultural practices such as GMOs and the widespread use of glyphosate.

• Ending all government subsidies of agricultural products that promote disease such as high-fructose corn syrup and processed, refined sugar.

• Restoring patients' rights to sue vaccine companies for the permanent health damage caused by their products. Across the board, due process must be restored for patients who consume health products.

• A forced repeal of the FDA's utterly ridiculous "flat Earth" belief that there is no such thing as any vitamin, mineral, nutrient or botanical that has any ability whatsoever to treat, prevent or cure any disease. This absurd belief is hopelessly outdated, and it results in patients and health care providers being unable to find or recommend affordable, safe and efficacious nutritional therapies that prevent and in some cases even help reverse disease.